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Asia » China
July 15th 2008
Published: July 16th 2008
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Sunrise view from hotel room. Yes, sunrise.
This is the extent of my Mandarin: Hello. Nee-How. Or, How are you? Nee-How Ma. I am deathly afraid to actually say these phrases, however, considering that the language is very tonal, and the slightest error in pronunciation could result in serious, unintended offense. Better to remain silent, and smile profusely.

I have just arrived, and the first thing I notice is that an inordinate number of Chinese wear eye-glasses. My dad should open an office here. He could do well fitting some of the 16 million people of Beijing with eyewear.

The air is incredibly heavy. I feel as though I am floating through a thick, grey cloud. The smog is ridiculous, although this feeling could also be the after-effect of travels and time changes and Ambien. Simran warned me that the sleeping pill could make me hallucinate and feel funky. She is absolutely right, even though it has been hours since I last took one.

Beijing is a large, smog-filled city plastered with tall buildings, Beijing 2008 Olympics advertisements, and people on bicycles. I don't really see the gravity of the congestion and heavy traffic - either pedestrian or automotive - that I was expecting, even

Hotel room
though it is clearly present. Perhaps I am jaded by New York. Nothing seems very extreme to me. I am sure L.A. traffic could rival that which I see here.

Upon arrival I waltzed through Passport Control without incident, noticing a sign that read “Temperature Detection - Proceed Slowly”. WHAT? The Chinese authorities smiled and welcomed me, although I really should have been impounded for bringing unnecessary amounts of cosmetics and toiletries into their country.

The hotel itself is wonderful, complete with top-notch service, robes and slippers, and a fabulous indoor lap pool. I went down to check out the fitness center, and managed to step right into the wading pool that separates the fitness center entrance from the pool. Blame the jet-lag. Or my general state of Klutz.

After unpacking, getting settled, and drying off my very wet feet, I wandered out to find something to eat. A meal of Chinese pancakes, fried egg and stir-fry veggies dotted with little strips of what could very well have been puppy meat. I carefully picked around these threatening little slices of Mystery Meat and tried to eat anyway. After all, it only cost the equivalent of $3 USD.

Hotel room - already a mess!
Walking home I stopped for some fruit, and the plastic bag tore moments later - sending apples, bananas and my pride rolling down the dirty sidewalk. I am doing well on my first day, wouldn't you say?

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Hotel bathroom

17th July 2008

Love it!
Love your first entry, girl! You totally made me laugh! Nee Hao Mah? I can completely picture you trying to say those words to Chinese people. And your "Belle" adorable is that? I can't stop laughing OR smiling right now. Your blogs brought smiles on my face this morning! Miss you much!

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