My First Day at School

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December 2nd 2005
Published: December 4th 2005
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On the way to AalbourgOn the way to AalbourgOn the way to Aalbourg

Traveling through Jutland's countryside
Today was my first day at school. I borrowed a coat from Anna as mine fell of my trolley at the airport and now has mud streaks all over it. School started at 8:10 and we had English first. That was interesting as they were reading text books which had a few old fashioned words like printing firm instead of publishers. We also watched a Mr Bean Christmas episode with Danish subtitles. The next was assembly where we sang carols. We had recess, I then spent a period with Anna as they were doing Christmas things and I made her an angel as they were doing about angels in RE and doing angel decorations. They also got me to write angel in block letters for their collage.

We then had lunch time and I went with Kathrine to the shops and had a chicken and bacon roll which was different, but yum (to give you an idea of cost it was 35 kroner for a sandwich and ten for a muffin). Kathrine wouldn’t let me pay so I got muffins for us and Ann instead. We then had German which I did not understand so spent half the lesson counting
On the way to AalbourgOn the way to AalbourgOn the way to Aalbourg

more countryside
the snowflakes on the windows ( I got up to 120) until the teacher was finished talking and then I asked her if I could use my laptop and worked on my website. For last period I went with Ann and Kathrine as they had music practice instead of staying in Danish class. They are really good musicians and it makes me sad as I was never as good as they are and it made me feel twice as unco. Jens and Karin picked us up.

I got to the house and found a few bits and pieces and then went down stairs to use the water machine on the fridge and I broke it (not intentionally) I filled up a glass of water and drank it. I went back for another glass and filled it. But the water wouldn’t stop. I freaked out and ran to find my host parents. They didn’t answer so I nocked on Kathrine’s door and she rushed down and then Jens came and turned off the water. He was pretty annoyed but said it happened occasionally. Kathrine helped me clean up the mess but I still feel terrible about it.

I appoligised and showed them my photo album. However they fixed the fridge and it is broken again 😞.

I am leaving soon to go on a scout camp for the weekend. I am being picked up and Kathrine and I are going to an 18th birthday. Before being dropped back off at the scout camp again. I will be home on Sunday....


5th December 2005

Dear Mindy sounds like school was fun on your first day. How many people go to school. Is it like yours waht time do you start and finish.
6th December 2005

hiii sounds like ur havin a great time how is the weather up there????? how is the skool lol just keep practising german lolz

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