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June 18th 2008
Published: June 18th 2008
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After a farewell meal with Rev Levi Nyondo and his family we left Mzuzu on Tuesday morning to go on another long bus journey back to Lilongwe. Here we are staying in the Sunbird Hotel, although our stay in Mzuzu was wonderful, it is lovely to get a proper bed and we are getting our clothes washed which is such a luxury. After the dusty road at Vwaza Marsh the day before it wasn't just our clothes we were needing to wash!!
Today, we have done some shopping at the market - bet you all can't wait to see the presents we have bought you - now we've said that you won't sleep for excitement!
We also went to two animal sanctuaries today the first one didn't seem to have any animals but the second one had leopards, monkeys, pythons and crocs.
Tomorrow we are facing a long - 7 hours long - bus journey to Zambia where we will prepare to go on our proper safari at South Luangwa National Park.
The food is good, they don't always have what we want but we always manage to get something nice, the weather was not as sunny today as it was yesterday.
Hope you guys out there are all doing fine - speak soon.


18th June 2008

Hello and Thanks
Thanks for keeping us up to date with your experiences. It all sounds amazing. All the best from "Bonnie Scotland".

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