Pre-Botswana excitement!

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June 12th 2008
Published: June 12th 2008
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Alright- I won't selfishly indulge too much now because I'll save that for when I arrive in Gaborone!! 36 hours from now, my group and I will be aboard Delta! I think I already wrote a blog like this a few days ago. It's just the building anticipation.

Main concern right now: I CANNOT FIND MY CAMERA CHARGER! And it normally wouldn't be a big deal- but this is a japanese camera... 😞 so I can't just get on their website and figure it out. Mmmm...dammit- I could call David...he'd get it- but by the time he bought it and sent it to me, the trip would be over. I guess I"m on the hunt for the cord! Argh 😉

Irritation right now: Pain pain pain. It's hard to type. RA is kickin' my ass. There's been a lot of stress recently with the quarter ending, etc...and the weather has been icky, sticky and just GUHHHH...that doesn't help either. Had a hard time making back from class the other day and when I did get back, I dropped into bed and slept all night. The good side? Botswana has EXCELLENT, NON-humid weather. It's going to be 70-80 there the entire time, sunny...0% percipitation! I was so excited that I called Dee and said, "OMG!!!!!!!!!!! We're going to be comfortable!!!" That is- if the plane ride doesn't kill us 😉 lol... anyway- She's my RA buddy. 😊 Love that girl.

I'm so happy about this, yet I'm nervous at the same time. I know time is going to fly so I'm attempting to savor every moment- even these moments prior to departure. 😊

With Love,


12th June 2008

Yeah for you!! :o)
I'm so excited for you!! Out of everyone I're the only one I think that could do something crazy like this!! :o) Love ya...have safe when you can - I LOVE getting mail - be safe and have fun!!

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