Our first full day.

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March 26th 2008
Published: March 28th 2008
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Day 3 - Hong Kong

Our first full day in Hong Kong. Some form of jet lag woke me at 3am this morning but any of you who really know Kit will realise I had to prise him out of bed this morning - that boy could sleep for England. We had pre-booked an escorted trip around Hong Kong Island and were up and raring to go for 8am. Firstly we went to a taoism temple called Man Mo. They burn incense to send to the heavens but you can't stay in there for more than a couple of minutes without suffocating and I would have probably ended up joining those souls in the clouds if we hadn't left when we did. I'm pretty sure I'll still be smelling of incense when we get back to the UK. After that we went on the tram to the Victoria Peak which is really really steep. Our tour guide managed to squeeze the whole group in a lift built for about 5 people and then we proceeded to go to the wrong floor and ended up in a room of escalators which resembled the stair cases in Harry Potter with us all going in different directions. Upon arriving at the top the view is breathtaking - I imagine it is even more spectacular on a sunny day. From the peak we drove to Aberdeen fishing village where we sailed in a sampan round the houseboats, from there we drove around repulse bay and past Jackie Chan's house (my mother is going to be so jealous - she loves Jackie Chan!) and to the Stanley Market. Its mostly a clothes market and a bit touristy so wasn't to impressed. Oh and the drains stink so that probably clouded my opinion too.

In the evening we planned to take a star ferry around the harbour but managed to get lost off the MTR and eventually had to get a taxi at rush hour to the terminal or we would have missed the boat. It was well worth the hassle though as the harbour at night is beautiful and we watched the symphony of lights show which was good but after 2 hours stuck on the boat the novelty soon wore off and we were happy to get back on land. On the way back to the hotel we stopped off at the ladies market which to be honest was a bit like any market back home but with pushier salesman and more fake stuff.


6th April 2008

Pics look amazin g guys and girls.. soooo jealous still missing you

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