Don't cry for me, Argentina

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March 24th 2008
Published: March 24th 2008
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Lago Sucia, Fitzroy RangesLago Sucia, Fitzroy RangesLago Sucia, Fitzroy Ranges

A perfect day.....
Hi again everyone and welcome to the Easter edition of our blog! We have had a cracking couple of weeks in Argentina, so sit back, chomp on those leftover easter eggs and enjoy!

First stop was El Calafate and the famous Perito Moreno glacier. This was pretty awesome as you can get very close to the glacier. It is also still advancing so big sheets of it fall off all the time which is very exciting (in the otherwise fairly slowpaced world of glaciers, anyway).

Tim and I then spent about a week around the lovely little village of El Chalten in Southern Patagonia. We did a couple of hikes with our friends from Canberra Kate and Ryan. The first hike was a massive adventure in proving how HARDCORE we all are. We got to cross a raging river by pulling ourselves along a wire cable using a harnass while hanging upside down, then we got to walk across a glacier for an hour before climbing a massive shale mountain with gale force winds blowing straight into our faces. Then we got to do it all in reverse, this time with the gale force winds at our backs
The Patagonian IcefieldThe Patagonian IcefieldThe Patagonian Icefield

We finally made it after braving wire cables, glaciers and gale force winds
so that we spent half the time running because they were so strong. And at night we got to battle with the mice who loved to invade our food, packs and tents, just to see what they could nibble on. But the views at the top were all worth it as we got to see the massive patagonian icefield, which is about 13000 square kilometres of ice.

The second hike was also great although much more laid back, with some great views of the Fitzroy Ranges, Lago Sucia, the Cerro Torre and more glaciers. Still a few mice to battle although the squillions of loud Israeli tourists were more annoying this time around!

But after all this hiking and camping and generally being hardcore, it was time for a bit of civilisation so Tim and I jumped on a plane to Buenos Aires, leaving Kate and Ryan to continue their trekking adventures. We had a great time in BA, stuffing ourselves full of good food (the Argentinians really know how to put on an all you can eat steak buffet), getting a tango lesson and going to a riot.

Yes, that's right, a riot. Well, to be
The Calm Before The RiotThe Calm Before The RiotThe Calm Before The Riot

Tim at our eventful trip to the soccer
more accurate, it was actually a soccer game that descended into a riot. We had a great time watching the crazy crowds who basically sang, danced and played musical instruments for virtually the whole match. All was going well until about 10 minutes from the end when the home team had three players red carded and a goal disallowed. The crowd basically went from fun loving to totally crazy in about 30 seconds, at which point the riot police who were stationed around the stadium swung into action. This was our cue, along with half the other people there, to run as fast as we could from the stadium. There were a few hairy moments when we thought the police were actually going to lock us all in the stadium, but with some desperate pleading by a few mothers ("please, we have to get the kids out") they opened the gates and we all piss bolted down the street as quick as we could. In the end, the game got suspended and no doubt the referee is still bunkered down in the stadium waiting until it is safe enough for hime to leave.

Well that's about it for now.
Perito Moreno GlacierPerito Moreno GlacierPerito Moreno Glacier

A big chunk falling off
We have just arrived back in Bolivia for a few days for the next chapter of our adventures!

Additional photos below
Photos: 5, Displayed: 5


Ryan being hardcoreRyan being hardcore
Ryan being hardcore

Nothing like crossing a river with a harnass and cable to brighten up your day!

30th March 2008

They get very passionate about their boca jnr! Sound slike a great adventure you are having. Hot tip for La Paz - don't go to watch the football in the highest stadium in the world as you could see more skilled matches played by Year 6 schoolkids.
1st April 2008

you're alive afterall!
sounds like you guys are having a blast. the photos are unreal. timothy you need a shave!!! be safe. love you. s.xxxx
10th April 2008

Hi there!
Hi!! It sounds like you're having a FABULOUS time!! I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to write back to you... I actually just got back from a month o/s so I'm extra jealous that you're still away! We went to the US, Jamaica and Cuba... I highly recommend Cuba if you have some time and the inclination... it was amazing! (although you will need a visa). Back at work now though and although I've only been back 3 days it feels like I never left. Keep up with your blogging... and keep having fun!! xx Bammers

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