A Day for a King

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December 5th 2007
Published: December 7th 2007
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A Day for a King-On the 80th birthday of Thailand's Monarch

A year ago I stood on the same spot surrounded by the same kids, but they all look so much older now. The girls are all growing up, the boys becoming refined gentlemen.

The King’s birthday has always been a celebration close to the hearts of Thai’s and to myself in an odd way….it was really the event that first allowed Malie and Buud to feel as though they were part of the group. Malie and this year, Buud were invited to walk in places of honor with the kids this year.

As we walked through the market to our meeting points, the sight of two farang kids (well Miles at least…Malie looks more Thai every day if she isn’t looking directly at you with her piercing lioness eyes…) dressed in full Thai traditional costume drew a number of comments and stares. This year however I was able to understand and sometimes respond to them. Some were friendly and even approving or supportive of the kids in Thai clothes…others literally glared. Unitl we were in the group and then we were just an attraction…I say we because I needed to walk fairly near Miles in the parade to keep him in line…literally. He managed to lose a shoe and trade places with at least four other kids in a 10 block stretch.

But he walked the whole way…last year he convinced Pik to carry him the entire distance…this time I went along just in case.

The same rounds of speeches and dancing followed the parade, but Miles had a touch of fever this morning so I thought it best to cut out early. We hit the big market that is set up each December in honor of the King, but then headed home early and to bed. Enjoy the pictures!

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Omigosh! Look I am in Thailand with my kids...Omigosh! Look I am in Thailand with my kids...
Omigosh! Look I am in Thailand with my kids...

I can't believe there is more than one photo of me in this country...I am always behind the camera. Thanks Daphne!

8th December 2007

Looking good, all of you!!!

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