19th Nov 2007 Phuket

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November 19th 2007
Published: November 19th 2007
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Welcome all to our venture around the world. We said we would keep in touch so as promised here is a little of what has happened so far, please dont expect Wordsworth or anything, this is Brian and Karen here so be real.

As expected, the trip gets underway with a 1 hour delay, thats all you really need is to be sitting in the plane longer than the scheduled 12.5 hour flight, but eventually we take off and arrive at Singapore. Arriving too late for our connection flight we spend 2.5 hours in the airport which just happens to be the best one ever. Sat in a bar watching Man Utd on a massive and I mean massive HD all singing all dancing TV, already I'm in heaven....lol. The time is gone before we know it and after a hop skip and a jump we arrive in Phuket, surprisingly our luggage was awaiting and we quickly passed through customs to be met by what appeared to be every available taxi driver in Phuket. We scanned the sea of people and eventually catch a small guy wearing a Hawaian t shirt holding up Mr & Mrs Bussey, thats our man. He asks us to wait while he nips off to collect his vehicle, expecting a limo as that is what we paid for, he swiftly turns up in a Toyota Camry, lovely. Only about 20 mins Mr Brian and we will be there, sounds good I thought, however covering 20 miles in 20 minutes on these roads was going to be a challenge, but to his credit he did it, leaving Mr Button and Mr Lewis way behind. Scary.

Just for a change, the weather here changed for the better only last week so it seems we have finally manged to leave the rain in England for once which is a rare occurance when the Bussey's travel! The hotel is very nice as expected and we have a wonderful view of the sea and the tropical forests, so nothing to moan about there. Spent the 1st day walking on the beach (weather is red hot by the way) and generally getting to know the small resort of Karon. It's quite nice here but a little too touristy for our liking but there are not that many people here so its not too bad. Apparently this is the start of the holiday season here and it will pick up later, can for me cos I wont be here......lol. After so much walking Karen's feet are hurting so we experience our 1st ride in a tuk tuk, we explain we are staying in a hotel on the hill and thinking this is more than enough info to get us home, how wrong can you be, we are lost. Asking him to take us to a hotel which does not exist did not help but eventually after consultation with his colleagues and more luck than judgement we arrive back but not without a little hitch. We are staying a little off the beaten track and halfway up te hill there is a speed ramp which the driver either did not see or did not care, however, as we drove over said speedramp at around 30mph, I heard a loud bang, turned around to see Karen holding her head, Mr Tuk Tuk quckly stops the car to see if his vehicle is OK....lol

Next day we decide to visit nearby Patong, so walk down to our what we have now called our "local" we decide to hire a moped and take a leisurely drive (most bars offer all sort of additional things), no mishaps or anything (Karens mum stop worrying) we arrive in what can only be described as Blackpool/Magaluff rolled into one, loads of bars/clubs etc however the sea view is still terrific. We only stayed there a few hours before deciding to return home, not our cup of tea at all.

We will load up some pictures as soon as we take some and try and keep you informed as we go around on our journey, take care all and be back later.


19th November 2007

you must be so excited that it's finally started! enjoyed reading that, looking forward to the rest of the years' diary! meanwhile will keep you posted with any plans for oz! hope to see you there, all our love, faye and james:)
19th November 2007

Good start!
Good blog and good start to tour. How could you not know which hotel you were staying at????? Won't worry re the moped - knew you'd do something like that anyway! Well, you got there, got let in and we haven't yet heard that you have lost anything. Well done!
19th November 2007

Help!! Can you come back now??
Brian Can you kick somebody out of tesseract as i am having problem's logging on? lol
20th November 2007

if you scroll down the watsit bar and uplift the doody, it will sort itself out.... Brian
22nd November 2007

Glad to hear you both arrived safe and sound, Scott won't sanction a mounted division for Cumbria, can't get a saddle to fit Daryl...........can you send me the details of Tuk-Tuk I'll try that instead! Stay in touch, take care of Karen we're looking forward to her coming back............lol, good luck and enjoy.
23rd November 2007

Tuk Tuk
Hi Mike Surprised at Scott, anything involving a saddle and riding he is normally well up for it. Not found a decent enough Tuk Tuk for you yet, Rueben has requested a one ready fitted with a ex works Farrari engine, so will keep my eyes out. However better news on the Daryl situation, I can pick up an Elephant for 250 Baht, let me know and I will get my friend Samu to start walking it over to you. Dont work too hard and keep in touch Brian

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