Computer says No

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November 17th 2007
Published: November 17th 2007
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Hello Everyone!

We have just written a nice long, witty and highly entertaining blog for you all, then the computer decided to crash on us :-(

Unfortunately the computers are not particularly reliable here, and after a few hours of typing its time for us to leave the internet cafe!

Sorry to dissapoint you all, but this will have to do.

We are currently in a place called Kollum in Kerala, and we are heading off to an ashram tomorrow, where we will stay for a week, practising our yoga, meditating and chanting. (or, learning how to do it!)

We will try to write another blog before we leave India, we only have 10 days left now!

Next Stop Thailand!

We're doing well, and we're still loving every second of India.

Hope you are all doing ok in Blighty,
Take Care,
Love Clare and Jem x x x x x x


18th November 2007

great to hear all is well
Hi girls,really glad to hear that you are ok and still enjoying your adventure,take care a9and sorry to hear about the blog never mind we look forward to the new one. lots of love ,Badger and kanga xxxxxxxxxx

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