First Day Out - From Bastrop to Fort Davis

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November 16th 2007
Published: November 16th 2007
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4:45 a.m.
Early- Too early. I didn’t get much sleep last night, but as soon as I managed to shake off the cobwebs and get dressed I’m semi-ready to go.
Its warm, dry, and no breeze, which would be a TOTAL lie. It’s cold, dark, windy the kind that drives its way through you, and just too early. **Italic (Daniel, quit telling stories, it wasn’t THAT cold. Everybody is going to think that we are freezing to death. It was in the 50s y’all.) ** But none the less I’m in a good mood with that new Derks Bentley song “Free and Easy” stuck in my head. So we throw the little gear we have into the truck and we’re on the road.
I’m really not sure what happened but the next thing I know we’re sitting outside of this TINY diner waiting for it to open at 6:30. **(Well, he’s not really sure what happened next because he, Daniel, my co-pilot / navigator / wingman went to sleep. Thankfully I knew where we were going. We were on our way out 290 and making a short detour to Blanco on the way to I-10. We pulled up in front of the Blanco Bowling Club at 6:15. The place was still dark inside because it didn’t open until 6:30. But already the founding members of the grumpy old men club were inside drinking coffee in the half light escaping the kitchen. So we sat in the truck until they opened officially.
What came next were 6 massive homemade doughnuts that weighed no less than ½ pound each, and can only be described as so good that I’d drive 5 miles out of my way to get them, because I did.)** Had some damn good homemade donuts to-go, and on the road again.
If you’ve ever driven west out I-10 you know what I mean when I say there is miles and miles of uninterrupted Texas. So….we drove, and drove…and VERRY nearly ran out of gas. For a few moments I was rocking back and forth in the cab of the truck, like a kid that either cant wait to get to the next stop because he has to pee so bad OR like a 19 year old male freaking out because he doesn’t want to have to walk the 15 more miles to Fort Stockton for gas. **(OK, I’ll give you that one. I thought it would have lasted a little longer than it did.
To make a long story short, we made it to Fort Davis by 1:15, had the tent set up in a few minutes and took a short trial run a couple miles down one of the trails with our packs. We made it safely back to camp in time for the evening deer feeding. Who knew they’d eat peanuts right out of your hand.
So after the deer were fed and on their way, we came to town for what has to be the best pizza in the western half of Texas. Murphy’s Pizzeria & Café is the last stop before we turn in and hunker down for what promises to be a chilly night.)**

More tomorrow (or the next day)
Love you
-- Troy & Daniel


16th November 2007

man, im reading this whole thing the whole way through. you two are VERY entertaining.
17th November 2007

Sweet blog!!! Hey next time save me a piece of pizza!!!
17th November 2007

Well it sounds like y'all are having fun. And I'm sure Daniel is over exaggerating about how cold it is, he tends to do that a lot. I love all the pictures, they're beautiful. Virginia and I are jealous, we decided we're gonna have to make it one of our stops for our senior road trip. Well all the girl's should be coming over soon, so I got to go. But I'll make sure to keep checking up on this. P.S Dad please make sure that Daniel doesn't get any "smart" ideas to do something and hurts himself. I don't want have to deal with him whinny when he gets back ;-) well I love y'all both!

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