The exterior of my new place

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September 19th 2005
Published: September 19th 2005
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My new homeMy new homeMy new home

You can just about see the entire street in this picture. The train platforms are just behind the back of the building with the train station sitting just out of the shot. My flat will be on the top floor on the back. Easily found if you come to visit me!!!!!!!!!!!
Here's pictures of my new place. Granted, they're just of the outside 'cause I didn't want to freak out the girl I went to see about it by taking pictures of the flat the first time I met her. Probably wouldn't have scored me any points and gotten me the flat. Claire, my new flatmate, works in London at or near Buckingham Palace in some sort of marketing/communications//PR/business field. Not being in any type of field like that, I don't really have any idea what she does. She said she's usually up early and doesn't get home until kind of flatmate! Just kidding. She was really nice. I stayed at the flat for a couple hours and we were just chatting. She's flying off to France this weekend to see her boyfriend and take care of some business matters. Then, a week later, she's going to Cuba for 2 weeks on holiday. Seems really nice and smart and I'm looking forward to this next endeavor.

The other pictures are of Forty Hall, which is a house of sorts in Forty Hill. Forty Hill is an area about 3 km from where I live that was once used as hunting
Our tour guideOur tour guideOur tour guide

Our guide was the ghost of the architect who designed the hall. Entertaining and informative!
grounds for King Henry the blah blah blah. I'm sure I could look it up, but it's just not that important. The house was passed around from royalty to royalty to random people who bought it at auction to family to other people. The last person to privately own the estate was Andrew Parker Bowles. If the name sounds familiar it's because that was Camilla's husband, before she divorced him and married Prince Charles. Cool, huh? I spent over an hour just touring the house and then I had a lengthy stroll through the gardens.

Enjoy the pics!

Additional photos below
Photos: 5, Displayed: 5


Forty HallForty Hall
Forty Hall

Forty Hall was built forever ago and was home to the Lord Mayer of London between 1632 and something. Obviously, I took in everything that was said on the tour--ha! The house is now a museum and you're allowed to tour the first two floors.
The cupboard doorThe cupboard door
The cupboard door

The cupboard door was where all the children who grew up in the house wrote their names and marked their height as they grew up. My family has a similar tradition which started on a door frame in my grandparents house. Now it's on a board and the family often comments that we need to be measured again, but we haven't done it the past few times I've been home...we need to! If ever we become famous, they'll take a picture of the board and light it up so people can read it better. ;-)
Elsyng PalaceElsyng Palace
Elsyng Palace

Elsyng Palace sat just to the north of Forty Hall and Elizabeth I visited the palace 8 times before her death. After her death the palace fell to ruins and a lot of the bricks from that palace were used to make the walls and pathways for Forty Hall. This photo shows the lawn up to where Elysing Palace used to sit. On either side are twin rows of trees that I'm sure used to be the drive.

19th September 2005

Great pics..I almost feel like I'm there!
19th September 2005

This is a wonderful way to travel vicariously!
Mary, I am really enjoying all your updates from jolly old need to save them all and write a novel!!!
20th September 2005

It seems as if you're adjusting really well...already moving and you haven't even been there a month! I'm so glad that you have some instinctive survivor skills...I don't know if I would have made it. I hope you enjoy your job, I'm sure it will be more interesting than our public school system jobs here! Well have a wonderful day. Mya
20th September 2005

Mary, How exciting to have a new adventure. I am glad you made it over the "pond" safely. Sounds as if you are settling in nicely. Take care! Peggy Renegar
27th September 2005

feel like i am there
Hey Mary, looks like you are seeing a lot. its fun to read about your adventures. take care

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