Lo siento!!!

Published: September 10th 2007
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Hola amigos!

Wow, so Im really sorry that I havent written in forever. I have been pretty busy and to be dead honest, when I havent been busy I just havent felt like taking the time to update. Ive been enjoying myself too much!!

So whats happened in the past week. Hm. A group from Houston came for like three days last Sat Sun and Mon. I went with them to the dump on Sun but ended up hanging out more with Hermano Pedro and Guillen the entire time then the people who spoke my own language. Weird but I guess Im just becoming Nicaraguan already. haha. On Monday they came to Chacocente and we had a big party to celebrate the well working. We had a bunch of blow up pools and water balloons and stuff and the kids pulled me in in my clothing. Not like it takes much to get me in haha.

On Tuesday I woke up sick and didnt go to the project right away. I went in later with Omar and Gabriel, taught one class and then left because I still felt horrible. I ended up not going at all on Wednesday because I still didnt feel well. I did a lot of thinking, praying and talking with my mom and Pablo and realized it was because of the classes.

So, I quit teaching for now.
BUT WAIT! Before you think I failed at least finish reading why I did it, also please dont think its bashing Chacocente in any way.
The school isnt very organized and I got here under the impression that I was going to spend a month with Rachael in her classroom and then take over the preschool. It would give me a month to learn more of the language and understand better what she does. Instead, I got here and they told me I would be teaching art and english. It was 20 classes a week! And the school director gave me no help, no curriculum, NOTHING. I was expected to just be able to teach the classes. Trained teachers in the US dont even have to do that. So when I woke up all sick and everything I knew it was because I was so nervous and slightly freaking out. I realized that I would keep doing it to myself because I tend to get sick when I stress out and I didnt want to spend all my time sick and crying like I did on wednesday. It wasnt really fair of the director to do that to me. So after speaking with certain people and lots of praying I decided to take a break from teaching. When I have more Spanish speaking abilities and am not so much in culture shock, then I think I will teach. Maybe not English but definitely art because I can do a lot with them.

In a way, I feel sort of like Im letting everyone down because I told everyone I would be coming here to teach but at the same time, I cant kill myself trying to teach if Im just not ready for it. I also felt sort of like I had let myself down at first but then I realized I am still going to make a difference. Some smart and amazing people reminded me that just by being here, Im making a difference and that really helped me. Theres still plenty of work for me to do around the project. Take for example Thursday: I helped Rachael in her classes for a while and then I worked in the fields with Yasmina helping her pick corn for like two hours. I actually talked to her again today and asked her if she needed help so tomorrow Im going to spend the morning helping her with whatever she needs done. Also when delegations come Im going to help Omar and Gabriel with them. I think Ill eventually teach but for right now I am content. And I dont think its changed my plans to major in educationg haha.

Hm. Friday I didnt go to the project because theres a new guy here and I was staying with him to help him get situated and Omar and Gabriel couldnt come get us so we didnt end up going to the project. I hung out with Guillen and Pedro and Jorge and random other people. Friday night was culto and then as usual we just hung out for a while.

Saturday we hung out for the morning and then we went shopping and stuff and I bought a cell phone because Ill be doing a lot of traveling by myself and so its rather important. Their cell phone system is genius here though. I can buy a one dollar top up card and not even have to put it on my phone because even when i dont have a card on I can recieve calls and texts so if someone needs me they can always get me and then if I have to I can just put the one dollar card on. What a way to save money!! Then we had the youth culto and they talked about John Wesley. Theyre not Methodist but Pablo is like fascinated. I love it.

Yesterday was a normal day of culto in the morning. Then I went back to sleep for a while so I dont get too exhausted and then I helped some of the girls in the church cook all afternoon. A lot of days they cook stuff and after culto people buy it and it supports to youth of the church. Then we had culto again and then we all hung out as usual. Guillen and I talked for at least an hour and it was really nice. Im amazed and how quickly my Spanish is coming along. Im not speaking it the best but I sit with the guys and talk a lot and I get most of what theyre saying. I cant make out every word but I get enough to know what theyre saying. Its awesome!! I really dont know what I would do without my friends here.

So now that ive updated all my trials and struggles and all the boring stuff Im going to make a list of the things that I have accomplished or that have really amused/interested/excited me. Theyre rather pointless and most likely will be things you wont even care about but thats okay because they make me pretty happy!


11th September 2007

HEY HYE HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY! im glad to hear your doing well! miss you<33333333
11th September 2007

Hello love. I am proud of you for realizing what you had to do to keep your self going and for plunging head first in to this new culture. I fI can ever assist you in any way, let me know. Oh yes, when you get back to the states, you are comming straight to my house to teach me to cook actual enchiladas.. deal? I miss you and I love you.. a lot.
11th September 2007

I'm so proud of you :)
See the title? I am, Chels! Jealous, yes, but mostly just looking forward to coming in February ;) I am SO happy for you, making all kinds of friends and adjusting so well, as I was sure that you would. (I am not AT ALL disappointed in you for taking a break from teaching; I think it shows great maturity that you even knew that that's what you need to do. Anyway, those people are right: you WILL make a difference. You are helping already!) I love you so much, Wifey, and I miss you a lot! You're in my thoughts and prayers constantly :-* ::un abrazo para ti!:: Say hi to everyone for me.
21st September 2007

Love you Chelsea!!!
¡Hola Chelsita! I am so jealous of all the opportunities you have made for yourself in Nicaragua! I am so proud of you for being there.... and I totally understand your language struggles, though you are learning MUCH more quickly than I. I went from high school spanish, where the language was spoken sparingly and slowly, to immersing myself in a second-year level college course in which Español is the ONLY language spoken!!! As I struggle through it, though, I always think of you in Nicaragua, completely immersed in not only the language, but also the culture!!! And it just puts it all into perspective for me. Have I ever told you you're my hero???? uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, PHYLLIS, ocho.... ¡Te amo! <<
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