Public Health Takes on New Meaning

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September 9th 2007
Published: September 9th 2007
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Public Health Care takes on new meaning here. We had to go for a mandatory health check-up last week and to our surprise it was not on campus but at a special facility called Infection Control. It was a 40 minute bus ride away but luckily we had our student helpers with us. We had to fill out a lengthy questionnaire to which we had to affix our picture and then pay approximately $65. Then off we went to the next building. There we entered a long hall with seating on one side and doors off the other. There was a room for taking blood, for x-ray, ECG, abdominal check, and eyes, ears, nose and throat. At each door was a line of people and we joined them. As each was called everyone else watched as the procedure took place. The only privacy was when we got to pee in a cup. Of course in China most of the washrooms are a hole in the cement, and this was no exception. After finishing filling the cup there was a sink, but no soap or towels to dry your hands. All in all it was an extremely interesting experience. We are assuming we passed the tests because we haven’t heard otherwise.

Today (Sunday) we ventured downtown all by ourselves. We took the 30 minute bus-ride and went to Wal-Mart. Yes, you read that correctly. Even though we never shop at Wal-Mart at home, it is the Mecca of the foreign teachers here. And we needed sheets for our bed! Before we tackled the store we had to have lunch, and guess where -McDonalds. Yes, even in Nanning the golden arches loom. It was actually a treat to have fries.

It is still lovely and hot although some of you would hate it because of the humidity. We don’t have a thermometer but it is at least 32 and probably 90% humidity. After walking the 15 minutes to the bus stop I am ‘glowing’ wonderfully. When we arrived home after the bus ride there, shopping, the bus ride home and then the walk from the gate to our apartment we were both hot and sticky. Luckily we have air conditioning here.

Tomorrow is the start of classes for both Alan and me. My first class is at 7:50 in the morning. They believe in starting early! I am having first-day jitters big-time. The dean had all the foreign teachers at our college (6 English teachers and 1 Japanese teacher) to a restaurant for supper and she (the dean) spent most of the time talking about the evaluation of the English Language College that they will be undergoing in October. It is a big, big deal. She or an associate will be sitting in on our classes some time this first month to make sure things are going well because the ‘experts’ will be here to interview the students and rate their English. The department has been meeting all summer, no holidays, to get ready for this big event! She’s got us all worried.

This evening we are going out to take some pictures of the campus and hopefully Alan will figure out how to upload them soon.

Take care all,
Bonnie and Alan


9th September 2007

Alan's capabilities
I am sure that if Alan can figure out how to get your butts to China he can figure out how to upload your pics...we are waiting! Ok to shop at Walmart there, all workers are abused and denied unions so no problem supporting the Arkansas thugs. Keep up the writing...
9th September 2007

Good Luck
Hey mom and dad, i'm excited that you have chosen to get a blog! good for you! Also I wanted to say good luck on your first day. you will be wonderful and all your students will love you! miss you lots! love hillary
13th September 2007

Has your social life already grown to the point where you can no longer keep up your blog? Or is all the teaching prep and marking? We need more posts and pictures. I'm confident you can figure out how to upload them. try just plugging it in ;)

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