Most annoyed and frustrated

Published: August 7th 2007
Edit Blog Post

Unfortunatley my entire blog has been lost due to an unforseen crash with the providers main server.
Feeling pretty low about that at the mo as i had anticipated to use the website as my main journal. Hindsight dictates i should have backed it up. Note to self back everything up.

well it is 1042 pm Costa Rica time. Im on 24 hour radio duty in case of emergency at any of the project sites.

Much has happened since my last entry, but not quite feeling the love at the mo to write vast amounts.

You can drop me a mail through here or on my email

i will add to this again when i can work out what happened and when.

last night we had a pool party, i built us a pool 5m by 3m by about 1 m, great fun followed by pass the parcel musical plates and the mars bar game where you have to roll a double then dress in gloves hats etc....

all great fun and in aid of oneof the staff leaving. I'll post pics as soon as i have checked through them!!!

Hope all is well. Be safe and enjy the good weather.


7th August 2007

Sounds amazing out there. Some quality pics too. Gutted that the blog got wiped, I was enjoying the usual Silcock postings!! Have fun mate

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