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Europe » France » Pays-de-la-Loire » Angers
July 3rd 2007
Published: July 3rd 2007
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Sooo...we took our placement tests today. We also can't speak English anymore which is why I'm grateful for this computer right now. Classes start tomorrow after the results are posted. I don't know if you know but the French are CRAZY when it comes to school. As in, they pretty much would rather eat cat poop than get a bad grade. We'll see how this goes. I'm about to leave to go on a walking tour of Angers...should be fun. The weather here is awful right now though...cold and rainy. I'm going to the beach this weekend though! There's also a party tomorrow night to celebrate the fourth. I swear, I will probably be skin and bones when I get home...we walk everywhere!!! Like 500 miles a day! Okay I have to head out...

A bientot!!



3rd July 2007

Hi Sony, we miss you bunches already. So glad you are having a great time - Paris is truly magical. Sure you will do fine on the exam. We will think of you tomorrow (July 4th!) and will miss you when we all get together and talk about how jealous we are of you being there! Drink some great red wine and flirt with a frenchman! ;-) Au revoir!! - Love you!!
5th July 2007

Miss you!
Oh Sone! I miss you so much! I'm so glad you are having an awesome time though! Your list about what you liked and did not like really made me laugh! Keep us updated and I'll keep reading!!! Oh, just an update, I dumped Austin, and I swear I'm going to marry this Minnesota guy. He's AMAZING. I can't wait for you to meet him. Love you big bunches! <3 Lolli
5th July 2007

YAY for a new love!
Hey LOLLI! Sorry it's taken me so long to respond! Glad to hear you broke it off with deserve the absolute best, my love! I really want to meet Minnesota man! Hope you're enjoying the summer..rainy weather, huh? My Mom wrote and said you and Cass made dessert for the fourth...probably something chocolate! Wish I could've been there! I'll try to update my blog more often now that I'm kind of in a routine. Miss you lots...tell your family I miss them too!!! LOVE YOU!
5th July 2007

Hey Aunt Deb! It was so good seeing your comment! I miss you guys! Mom wrote and said yall had a very fun fourth of july...i'm jealous! I'll keep updating this thing so keep reading!! Take you!!!!!

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