Dinner at Saji & Sheeba's House

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July 1st 2007
Published: July 1st 2007
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Hello everyone, right now we are getting ready to eat dinner at Saji and Sheeba's house. Unlike last time, our group is small enough to eat out. We don't have to eat the meal's at the hotel and that gives us the opportunity to eat with disciple's and sample some interesting restaurants (Indian Chick-King). Damon amazes the sisters in the kitchen, both Sheeba and Smiley can't believe what he is capable. Ericka is in the bedroom studying the Bible with one of the visitors we had to church. Autumn and Cindy are playing cards in the living room and Doureen has been on a circuit tour of encouragement from the kitchen to outside to check on everyone. Today was great fun for the whole team! The sermon consisted of six points with each one brought by a different person. They were all very inspiring and people were very eager to share how their particular point impacted them. Again, for the hundredth time, they are blowing me away with how committed and spiritual they are. Detroit, Lansing, Toledo and Grand Rapids should feel like they have sent their best ambassadors to India! Please welcome them back with a ticker-tape parade for how much they gave to the churches over here. Following service the fellowship was awesome...again. And after some lunch we went to a park to play games while Damon and Doureen went grocery shopping. Autumn and I made sizable contributions to the game of basketball. A lot of the boys HAD NEVER PLAYED...EVER!!! After that we learned how to play cricket and I won the game. Everyone is eager to write so I will get going. Jen, I love you and please give Ev a kiss for me.

hey family,
first of all i would like to thank brian for selecting me for this team!! it is a life changing experience. i have never felt more used by GOD in these last few weeks than in the 15 years of being a disciple! from leading songs, to preaching, to serving & encouraging the disciples! being here in india, helps me to see the bible come alive!!! going to 2000 year old hindu temple helps me to see how things were in the bible! i also learned what hospitality is. and i am a chef!!! i went to college for four years to study the field! it's not go and help yourself in my kitchen, but let me wait on you hand and foot! just like they did in the BIBLE. in a resturant you would not be happy if said go in and cook you own food, but let me help you. i say all of this to say, i must take my serving to a higher level when i return to detroit. JESUS did not tell his disciples to wash thier own feet. but he did it himself. honey i love and miss you soooo muchhhhhhhhhhh! tell taylor that i love her dearly and miss her as well! give my little man a big hug for me! i almost forget what he looks like. detroit i miss you all, we will return on the 8th of july! sorry pearl! we will have a bbq cook out when i get back with the movie of the garage! hey, can some one come by and cut my grass! i know it has to be real bad it the back yard!! well i gotta go and finish getting dinner for the disciples here! we are having cashew-shrimp & pea pods with stir fry chicken and cabbage!!!!
in him who makes me great
w. damon banks

Wow another great day!! Chuch was amazing yet again. Even though it was so much smaller than Coiambatore the fellowship was just as great. I have started to notice that the diciples here dont let anything distract them from praising the lord. For example at church today during singing the power went out and they didnt skip a beat in the song. They kept singing as if nothing happened. Maybe there used to power outages but it was still amazing to see how they dont let anything get in their way. I learned how to play cricket today too! The rules are still a little foggy but its basically a different version of baseball. A full game of cricket can take up to 8 hours to play! Our time in Cochin is flying by and I cant believe im coming home on saturday. Sorry mom but I dont want to come home, I love it here!! Mom did you find a ride to camp yet? If not im going to pray for it so God will work it out. Hows Tony's new job? I hope good. We visited a sisters house and she had a lab, it made me miss Jake, Red, and Shakira so much. Oh mom when I get home I NEED a haircut bad. 😊 Were having dinner with a bunch of diciples tonight at Sanji and Sheebas house (leaders of chuch) so it should be fun. Oh and I emailed amber the other day but i havnt been able so see if she emailed me back, do you know how she is?? I love you and miss you all!!!
Rain Clouds full of love,

Note to Luanne:
Thanks so much for blogging me! Unfortunately, I have no way of reading it at the moment. I was studying the bible with someone (which by the way was amazing - the Spirit moved powerfully), and missed the opportunity to read the new blog messages. Ben told me that you wrote a paragraph. I can't wait to read it! I'm only able to read it after we publish this current blog. I'm so grateful for you, Luanne!

Note to everyone else:
Hello! I just wanted to encourage you all to be faithful in prayer. I know that Autumn and Ben have already mentioned that we played games today with the disciples. One miraculous thing they did not mention (not sure if they yet know) was that they were participating in an answered prayer. Not a single rain droplet fell from the sky during our play. A brother shared with me that every time they play outdoor games, they always pray beforehand for it not to rain. (FYI: Kerala is a very rainy climate. It literally rains nearly everyday!) Do you know that two minutes after the games ended, it rained cats and dogs! I mean it was pouring hard! God is so amazing with answering faithful prayers. I am happy to be a witness of His glory and faithfulness. Luv you all,
Ericka ^_^

Hello Grand Rapids,

Thought I would send a note to let you all know that everything is going great here. We all had a chance to speak at the service. The message was about The kingdom is the Cure for !!!!!!. I chose materialism. God is still calling me higher and making sure I get over the fear of speaking in front of people. Thank you god. I want to let you know that the fellowship here in Cochin has been really impacting in so may way. Thank you for the prayers. Please continue to pray for our Brothers and Sister in India. Speical Note to Hal. I love you and miss you. If you talk to any of the children let them know that I am thinking of all 4 of them and the grandkids as well.
Love you,

To the saints and priests of the Toledo Church of Christ, my brothers and sisters in Christ! Hope all is well with you in Holy Toledo. I really don't have a lot to share because the other mission team members pretty much gave you the play by play of our Sunday in Cochin. Today I wore a sari for the first time in my life. I felt like I was going to trip and fall wearing it, but I did not. So, you already heard that I was able to share on of the points in todays sermon at church. My point was the Kingdom is the cure for being in the darkness. My hand was shaking but to God's glory I projected my voice without having a microphone at first. It was an honor and privilege to share with the church in Cochin. I think about you and miss you. Take Care, stay strong and faithful, keep on fighting. Love ya' all,
Cindy can't believe I projected my voice Lou Who?!


2nd July 2007

Hi Guys
Greeting from Michigan, Hello to Ericka, Doureen, Damon, Autumn, Ben and Cindy, You won't believe the weather we are having here in Michigan. It is perfect, not to hot and not to cold. Today we had a churchwide service at Belle Isle and once again Damon, the Masons, the Smith, Monica and a few others were the last to leave the park. By the way Damon, I know that Stephanie doesn't have access to the internet so I gave her your message of love and to kiss the kids. By the way the River Walk is awesome. Rex and I stolled along the river yesterday and it was beautiful. Anyway I miss you guys and I look forward to hearing all your exciting testimonies when you get back. Damon Alfonzo says Hi. Kamillia of course is spending her summer working at Cedar Point. Lea is walking now she totally skipped crawling and she has two teeth. She can also say Uncle. Rex also has grown an afro. How amazing that would be if all that were truth. :)
2nd July 2007

To Say Hello
Hello Damon, I truly miss U bro.. I pray things are well,I know it's a great experience living over there. Please bring back something that will last a life time.Also I think Uare doing a awesome thing by aiding our brothers and sisters there.Say hello to everyone,and God Bless!!! Rex
2nd July 2007

hello dear friend nice to see ur jopurney in inida i m ajay from north inida n i welcome u to at my home here n a cup of tea with all of u i hope wen ever u came in this side in inida u came at my home i suggest u to please once visit dharmsala, himachal pradesh its really so nice n peaceful place. hoping with a reply ajay radheykrishna.ak@gmail.com
2nd July 2007

Even More Good Stuff!
Wow, it's been so encouraging to read all your blogging! I didn't get to check email at all over the weekend, so this morning at work it was great to see several blogs from you guys with good news from the other side of the world! Cindy - I'm so proud to read that you shared in front of the church and "projected your voice" and being out of yourself! I look forward to you coming back to Toledo and sharing the great things about your trip and "projecting your voice" here as well! LybiC, Robert Segovia
2nd July 2007

Damon (Boo-Bear)
Hey Honey, I miss you so much I have been praying for you all. I know God has given you so many blessings things that you never dreamed of I can't wait to hear your experiences and see how God has allowed you to grow spiritually. I look forward to being apart of the change as the Holy Spirit leads us. We are doing well Eric keeps calling your name daddy or sometimes Damon the he says," miss " He is starting to phrase things like go in car and basement wash. Taylor stayed overnight with the Mason's I am working on lots of thing around the house and I will get the grass cut I read your message to Pearl. I have nothing planned for the 4th of July. If you get a chance call me let me know what time you are flying into Detroit also, Taylor is leaving for camp on Sat., July 7th. Love you Iam on my lunch break I have to go now.
3rd July 2007

Soak up your last few days!
Hi Autumn! I'm happy to hear that you're enjoying the church and the disciples there in Cochin. You all are truely great ambassadors for Jesus. When you get home mom can give you a haircut and I can give you a facial and massage and we'll get you all set for camp. I was wondering if you can get me one of those cool lightweight white Indian shirts that the men wear? I think they're really nice. And something for mom also, maybe a sari? My new job is great and I'm really enjoying it. Can't wait to see you and hear all of your cool adventures! I love you!!!! Tony xoxo

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