Published: August 9th 2007
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Sorry this entry is late, I have dated it when I arrived because I'll back track. The internet is ALWAYS being used at this stupid hostel, which is definatly the worst place I've ever stayed. Think trashy American motel... Then 100 times worse. That's right, I'm slumming it.
So anyways, I cant say too much, Ill go into more detail later about it, But I've done The Chinese theatre, Seen Janice Dickensons Modelling agency, The farmers market, Rodeo Drive, The Beverly Hills Centre, Target, The Hollywood sign, Today I'm going to Universal Studios with a bunch of Malaysian's that are staying in my room (thank god I'm not going on my own, although I would have if they didnt coincidently happen to be going)... I also went to the cinema on my own, spent a bomb in Marc Jacobs (IT'S FABULOUS) And just generally enjoyed the Hollywood life.
Will have to go, can't spend all day updating.
Check back soon, love you all.


6th July 2007

JANICE DICKENSONS AGENCY! BOB I AM SOOOOOOOOO JEALOUS! oo thats is FABULOUS! did you go indside?!?!?! they would have snapped you up straight away and you would deffo be janices hoe fo sho!!!! i cant wait to hear of all its glory!

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