Mont Saint Michel

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June 19th 2007
Published: June 19th 2007
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Where I've Been

Additional maps: Lexington to My New Home

Where I've Been
Lexington to My New HomeWoke up at 8:15 this morning to go to the Mont Saint Michel. This is the earliest I've ever had to get up. Bummer, right? Quentin, M. Martin, and I head out to the car and drive to a grocery store in Pont L'Eveque to buy sandwiches for lunch. It's about an hour and a half to two hour drive, so I took advantage of this time and took a nap. It felt good... until I realized that the seatbelt was digging into the side of my face. As we arrived closer and closer, I think it hit me that it's a big church. Like really big. Like bigger than all of the other big churches I've already visited in France.

We parked the car and I debated on whether or not I should take my sweater, since Mont Saint Michel is high up, and higher up places like that tend to be cooler. And you know how when you don't bring your umbrella it starts to fiercely rain? And when you do, it won't even sprinkle? Well, that's how it was with the sweater. Bring it, and it'll be hot. Don't and you'll freeze. So I figured I'd rather be hot than cold, since it's been cool the past few days. And lo and behold, I did play weatherman today, and it was the hottest day since I've been here. Not only that, but there's a lot of climbing involved, so I was kind of tired after a while. But it was better than the Great Wall of China. Now THAT was a lot of walking and a lot humidty.

There were a bunch of British kids on a field trip there too. They all wore red baseball caps and had those cute British accents. And they made me realize that I have to marry an Englishman. Like for real. Even when I heard some middle schooler say « F*** you, » to a friend, I thought to myseslf, « That sounds so much with an accent like that... »

The church itself is fairly hollow, gigantuous, and intimidating. Right when we started the actual tour, there was a service happening. The music was really calming and visitors were taking communion. It was all very spiritual and gave you a feel-good feeling. Until you walked into a gift shop right when you stepped out of the chapel area. Not what I had anticipated...

That was the only thing that threw me off. That and I think it's slightly overrated. Sure it was nice, big, and pretty... but the inside was slightly disappointing. It was just a bunch of windows and dark rooms. But the views from these windows were incredible. It was surrounded by water and when the tide is low, it serves as a beach. So, I guess the outside and view of the church and looking out the church are magnificent, but the church itself on the inside wasn't all that and a bag of chips. Just don't tell the French I said that...


20th June 2007

You called that HEAT!!
Hey, Helen. I'm down in Paris right now and you are not kidding. I think the entire city was melting yesterday. All I could do was sit and stare and hope my little corps didn't bake. I'm glad to hear you're seeing some interesting things while you're here and I hope you're speaking francais!! Did you find the quicksand at Mt. St. Michel? I think that it may be more interesting than the church. On an unrelated note, how about these pantacourt-genie pants everybody is wearing here? I hope you've bought a pair to bring home. I've got mine and I totally plan on being ahead of the trend.
21st June 2007

I'm going to Paris tomorrow!!! And Rebecca's there right now! Maybe we'll run into each other, haha. Mrs. Lambert, I've learned all sorts of French. I've even got some updated verlan and slang for you! We didn't go to the beachy area of Le Mont St Michel. I haven't seen this genie pants yet! Are they all the rage in Paris? Maybe I'll have to buy a pair to be cool. Maybe I'll wear them when all of the Frenchies and Americans go to the disco next week. Then we'll definitely be kiffantes!
25th June 2007

Yes, so these special pants are called "sarouelles" and the goal seems to look the most like princess Jasmine. You can buy some sarouelles or you can achieve the look (with a more "fashion" twist) by tying the drawstrings on the bottom of capris and flipping them over so they "poof." Did you enjoy Paris? Were you down for La Fete de la Musique? It was totalement fou! We got to go to a free concert where we saw (and I'm assuming by now you have watched enough music videos that you know who these people are) Amel Bent, Chrisophe Willem, Christophe Mae (solo and with a Roi Soleil montage with the entire cast), Fatal Bazooka, Shy'm, Diam's, Vitaa, Kamini, Moby, Avril, and more. It was crazy and we almost died in a stampede but it was totally worth it!! Stay out of trouble and enjoy your last few weeks!
30th June 2007

Actually, I did see a pair the day after I said that I hadn't seen any. Oops! I was a day late for the music festival, but Rebecca was there! I haven't watched much TV since I've been here, nonetheless music videos, but I'm sure these people were fantastic! You would almost die in a stampede, but it's also very characteristic of you to live to tell about it! We went to the discoteque last night, which was fun, but I didn't get a lot of sleep. But that's okay!

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