South Thailand

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June 14th 2007
Published: June 14th 2007
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First of all, sorry that it has been ages since my last post. Id written the one about Cambodia ages ago but didn't put it up. I have since been too lazy to write another one. Besides, we have been quite busy.

On the 3rd of June we met Vicky in Bangkok. The next day we went to the floating market (which was fantastic) and the went on the overnight bus down to Koh Samui, one of the islands in the south of Thailand. We then stayed here for a couple of days. We were staying in a ridiculously quiet and peaceful beach. We also headed to the main, busier, beech on a couple of occasions. Here we relaxed and in the evenings had BBQ seafood at one of the many restaurants on the beech.

After three days we made the short boat journey to Ko Pha Ngan, a nearby island. Here we managed to find a fantastic hotel. We had a lovely room, it was by the beech, it had a swimming pool, a good restaurant, a good atmosphere and was only a five minute walk along the beech to the main part of town - all for about 2 pounds each. We had found this place by accident. As we were getting a taxi to the main area in order to get a hotel we bumped into two Hippies. They invited us to come and have a look at the hippy commune. They were really nice and kept telling us how to avoid been caught with drugs at the full moon party, and where to get mushroom shakes. I wasn't sure when the right time was to tell them that my tastes were slightly more pedestrian than there's. I just wanted a cup of tea and a read by the pool. Anyway, although there guesthouse was nice, the one next door was nicer so we went there.

We had a really good time on Ko Pha Ngan. The night we got there we went to the half moon party. Then over the next two days we went elephant treking, and snorkeling around Koh Tao, another nearby island. This was fantastic and there were loads of amazing fish to see (and to be bit by, as Vicky can attest to).

We then forced ourselves to move on. On Tuesday Vicky and I headed to Krabi,

It rained last night
on the otherside of the South (Aidan was to meet us the next day). They have a fantastic night market here in Krabi. They have loads of stalls selling loads of different types of food, form pancakes to curries. Its dirt cheap too. On our first night Vicky and i got two meals and two drinks for 80 Baht, just over one pound.

Later today we are saying goodbye to Aidan who is heading back to Bangkok to go home, and going to Koh Phi Phi for a couple of nights. Koh Phi Phi is supposed to be one of the most beautiful islands. We've treated ourselves and booked ourselves into a nice hotel. We are then going on a tour of some of the surrounding Islands before going back to Bangkok ourselves on Saturday or Sunday so Vicky can catch her flight home on Tuesday.


P.S. If you want to see some more photos go to Vicky's facebook page.

Additional photos below
Photos: 16, Displayed: 16


Nang Yuan IslandNang Yuan Island
Nang Yuan Island

An island we visited on our snorkeling trip
Railae BeechRailae Beech
Railae Beech

To get to this beech you have to walk from the longtail boat to the beech. When the tide is in it gets very slippy. Vicky fell over.

17th June 2007

"I wasn't sure when the right time was to tell them that my tastes were slightly more pedestrian than there's. " Haha - classic.

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