Sun Tan Lotion is good for me

Published: May 29th 2007
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It protects me- te he he. That's for you Kelso.

Really-what to say... India is one heck of a trip!!

This morning we woke up around nine (so hopefully we can adjust to their time change wonderfully) and got started with our day. We decided to hop on a rickshaw and went to the market... Except the driver didn't know where to drop us off and just picked a pretty place to drop us off. Then we basically wandered around aimlessly and didn't really find anything, except the Adidas store... Disappointing, but we've heard of another store, so hopefully that will be better.

We didn't have much luck finding a shopping centre, but we talked to a lot of 'nice' people that didn't want money or anything, but just wanted to show us to some nice stores to go to..... RIGHT. But we're slowly getting better and telling them to leave us alone and just walk away. We're also learning that since we were walking around-not really going in any directions, they seem to pick up on that and come bother us more. So even though we still don't know where to go and how to find it, we're going to spend them money to get a taxi tour thing from our hotel. We still have the freedom that we want, but it'll just better on our patience!!! Hahaha. We really felt it today with the sun, little water and the bargaining to get a good price for a ride to the hotel!!! Note to anyone who's going to be coming here... Go to a one rackshaw, them seem to get cocky when other drivers are around. Jim-you'll be proud of my wheeling and dealing skills. Hahaha.

Then after we headed back to the hotel, got some food, rest and off we went to the market and FINALLY DID SOME SHOPPING!!!! Hahaha, we got a little excited. They we're still pushy, even though the prices we're set, tired everything to get you in their section!!! If you think people at home working on commission are bad-you haven't seen anything!!! We can't wait to give you guys the presents we got you!!! So awesome. Let us know if you want something specific though just incase.

Tomorrow we're off to our Golden Triangle tour. Taj/elephants/good times!!! So we won't be able to blog until the 4th or the 5th. I believe we get back late on the 4th and might be too tired to write until the 5th. We won't be able to load pictures until we find a computer that let's us. Sorry!!! We really want to show off what it's like here!!

The hotel is wonderful! Our shower is a basin and a measuring cup!!! Hahaha, but there's also a shower head, so we just showered. But there's not tube/it's not enclosed so we're basically showering in the middle of our bathroom. It's kind of weird watching yourself shower!! But at least you know the soap is outta your hair.

I'm still trying to get use to tipping every where we go. It sucks, but I guess it's just the way things are done here!!! I would hate to come back to our room after a long day in the sun and find our clothes all over the place and no tp!

The food is for sure interesting!!! We've been drinking nothing but bottled water (don't worry moms!) and everything is spicy!!! Even the chicken fried rice we had! Spice! Not sure if our stomachs and dealing with it well or not, but so far so good.

No porsches-sorry!! But not to self-not to drive with you!!! Hahaha-just joking. No leather yet, but we're still searching. We got a glimsp of the jewls here, but it was a little too pricey for us. Still on the search for pretty much everything. We're hoping there will be shops in our tour that we're going on.

We'll I think that's it for now!!! Love you-hoping your having wonderful days and we'll talk to you later!!!

Love, Rob and Beth


30th May 2007

it protects me tee he he
hey, ha ha as soon as i read the title of your blog i started singing, and then i read your first line and could not stop laughing!!! Have you guys found any cool necklaces, or is it really weird stuff? i've been updating my friends at work of your adventures, so i'll be anxious to hear about the elephant rides when you guys get back so i can tell your stories. you're pretty much famous at the gi clinic, ha ha. please take lots of pics of the elephant rides-omg so freaking cool!!! and any other animals that you may ride...ha ha. live it up ladies, live it up!!!
30th May 2007

You have to what in a basin?
No price is ever set, you can barder with almost anyone. Keep that in mind. I'm excited to hear about the elephant rides. I can't believe you have to shower in a basin, what's with that? I would have a fit! I love to relax in the tub though, so showering in a basin in the middle of the bathroom would really be torture. LOL! :) Take care girls and be safe!

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