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Europe » Norway » Northern Norway » Tromsø
May 29th 2007
Published: May 29th 2007
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

David OGrady
The scenery is just getting beter and better. I am currently in Tromso. This is about 1000km north of the artic circle. There is about another 700km to go before I pass through Hammerfest and eventually get as far noth as you can go (without actually visiting the north pole!!). The destination is Nordkapp... the worlds northern most point (land based). Hammerfest is the worlds northern most town. The curent mileage covered is approx 4500km since England.

About the VW Camper.... it looks like this trip has turned into a tour of VW dealers!!! I have stopped at virtually every VW dealer on the way for at least one part or another. The first was a desiel pipe for cylinder 3. (50 quid setback!). Then the auxillary water pump sensor broke!! (40 quid for a soldering iron and some solder). The sensor for the glowplug timer then gave up the ghost. (Another 30 quid). Now the water temperature gauge is dodgey - keeps flashing at me!. This I have had to have flown to Hammerfest for a pickup in the next few days. (Another 30 quid!). Other than these minor setbacks the van just keeps going and going. She is getting harder to start in the mornings as the temperature is dropping the further north I go. I just hope that the return trip from Nordkapp to Helsinki goes smoothly.

The last few days I took a detour to the Lofoten Islands. The ferry crossing was rough - 2 hrs. I was glad to get off and see the van was still in one piece. It then took 2 days to fully explore the islands which are absolutly breathtaking (in more ways than one.) All the cod is hung up to dry on wooden wig-wams. The air is full of drying fish! I still can't get any photos uploaded as I am using library computers. Maybe I'll visit an internet cafe in the next few weeks before the Trans siberian trip.

Tromso is stunning. It is set on a fjord with snow capped mountain back drop all around. The artic cathedral is beautiful. I have just walked across a suspension bridge (about 1km long) to cross the fjord to the other side where the main town is located (as well as the library). Last night was spent drinking the local beer (Mack beer) of which the barman gave me the glass with 'Artic beer' written on it. Everything here is the worlds northern most!

Must go now... time running out on the computer.

Will keep you all informed of my next leg (Finland) when I get to another computer. I really must get some of these photos uploaded.

Don't work too hard.



29th May 2007

test one
dave, Let me know if you get this comment.

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