Bye bye bye

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May 15th 2007
Published: May 15th 2007
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Shibuya at nightShibuya at nightShibuya at night

The city was lit up at night
Well this is my last blog from Japan. At 9:30ish this evening I'll be on a plane jet set for Australia.

Hope you are all happy that there are more pictures up. I'll keep gradually adding as i go along. Got back to Tokyo on Sunday afternoon. On the train journey I saw mount Fuji out the window, I've seen it in pictures but it look amazing in real life. Only wish i could have got a decent picture, but a mental image will have to do.

Had a lazy day round Tokyo on Monday. It seems less crazier now but last time i was here it was Golden week which is basically loads of bank holidays. That evening i found the craziness again. I met up with Liz and Marie from the Kyoto hostel. We went to Shibuya which is party capital of Tokyo. What with all the advertisement signs lit up and music blasting out from everywhere it felt mental. Was even crazier than the Bigg Market on a Saturday night (and less fights).

Now as I've been asked and my profession before this was drink taster (sorry tester). The drinks here are pretty much the same as at home. There no cider so i've had some lager instead. In my professional opinion it much lighter but still alright. The wines the same (but i've only tried the cheap stuff)

The traditional Japanese drink is sake. Which I've had at home and think it tastes watered down. The Kyoto hostel offered it us for free on my last night there as they were celebrating the place being full. I noticed no difference between the stuff i had at home and this stuff.

So bye bye from Japan. I've loved my two weeks here so am sad to be leaving. Especially as i've just mastered the art of using chopsticks.


18th May 2007

YOU'RE happy, YOU'RE not YOUR! Oh dear, never test an anally retentive chemist at this time in the morning during revision! Ha ha. Hope you are having a fab time and the cold is improving. Love xxxxx

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