Fun and games

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May 3rd 2007
Published: May 3rd 2007
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Firstly, thanks to all those who wrote comments! For some reason I had entirely missed them yet was reading the messages - what a dope! Will be replying soon (hopefully right after this if the time doesnt run out!)

Secondly - the sun has been out all day today - hooray! It's gorgeous!

Since my last entry I have had picnic lunch at a lakeside in Nelson Lakes National Park, been horse riding for the first time in 7 years (at Buller gorge) - (I am still very sore!!), spent the night at Westport, the next daystopped at Punaki (may be spelt wrong) to see the pancake rocks and then experienced the traditional Kiwi Experience Poo Pub Party at a Manipua (spelt bit wrong!)

Everyone who travels the South Island with Kiwi experiences the Poo Pub Party at a pub in the middle of nowhere who has been hosting this event every night for years and has the walls covered in photos of every group; mainly because it's always fancy dress! The pub was awesome, reminded me of the Three Horseshoes in Wiveliscombe (our local in Somerset) since the entire ceiling was covered in random hats, the walls were covered, there was a big log fire etc.

The party was hilarious and 'P' themed - i.e. you had to dress up as something beginning with the letter P. We stopped at a cheap store to buy gear for costumes. I went as a Party - with ballons, crepe paper, ribbon, a banner saying 'the party is here' and a carnival mask. Everyone was impressive - I will try an upload lots of photos when I can (the computer I'm on at the mo is too slow and useless!) It was definitely good to dance again!

Today we travelled to Franz Joseph. The weather is gorgeous. Tomorrow I (and most the group) embark on a full day glacier hike (8 hours....OUCH! I expect to be in pain! Especially with horse riding strains - ha!). I wasn't going to bother with the glacier here since I have done the half day hike before and there is SO many more activities I want to do (Canyon swinging is currently top of my list for Queenstown!) but now I am here I'm glad I am.

I've just experienced cooking in a massive kitchen with about 30 other people trying to prepare / eat dinner! Chaotic but quite fun! I am quickly learning what ingredients the traveller needs and am now lugging a huge quantity of food and stuff round with me! It's lucky it's just being carried between bus-hostel-bus-hostel etc! I am really beginning to enjoy hostelling! 😊

Love to everyone xxxx

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Photos: 4, Displayed: 4


4th May 2007

yay for sunshine!
heya so glad to hear the weather has been sunny and nice for you today, best news. v.jealous of the horse riding although would be equally stiff im sure! poo pub sounds like great fun, love the idea of themed dressing and hats on the ceiling - :-) have fun at the glacier xxx
4th May 2007

Hi Lauren, im so jealous of you it all sounds amazing. I know how u felt at first cos when we went to some hostels in Costa Rica were much less than impressed but sounds like you've been having lots of fun recently. Your story about splitting your trousers was so funny, I laughed so hard i almost split mine! Well i best get going, have lectures to be going to, dissertations to be getting on with and exams to be revising for. Have a lovely time xxx
4th May 2007

I'm so jealous!!
Hey Lauren! Sounds like you are having a great time and have been keeping yourself really busy. I am so jealous...wish I had gone travelling now! Oh well. Lots of love, Gem xx
4th May 2007

Hey Sporan, so glad to hear that you're a lot happier now and having a good time. Am v v jealous of your whale-watching, hiking, kayaking, trekking etc, it sounds awesome. Am impressed that you say you're beginning to enjoy hostelling - never had you down as the communal-living type! Hope that things continue to be fun and that you meet lots more people. Love your photos btw xxx

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