Hello from Athens!

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May 2nd 2007
Published: May 2nd 2007
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Well... we made it! We are alive, our bums are slightly sore (thanks Elaine for reminding us) and our feet already hurt from walking around. Here's the basic story of our flights and arrival since yesterday...

Where to begin? We got on the plane, it was 30 minutes delayed from Edmonton which made it less time to wait in the Calgary airport, we essentially got on and right back on again. Thus began our looooooooong flight to Frankfurt. That was fun... and long... and... long. 9 hours later, after 3 movies, some crappy tv shows, a little sleep, and two meals (both of which were very good) we arrived in Frankfurt with time to spare. Which is good, because we had to take a TRAIN to our gate from where we landed because the airport is MASSIVE! Then we got on our quick 3 hour flight to Athens which was alright. Dennis read, and I slept on his shoulder. I was not feeling so hot that flight. The pressure on my poor nose was actually very painful and I kept squeezing Dennis' hand in pain because I felt like my nose was going to explode and then my teeth because of my stupid cold.

Well Dennis can take it from here for our arrival and... ahem.. adventure in Athens.

So Athens, well it definitely started with an adventure. We arrived, got our bags, and found a bank machine to take out money. However, this is where the adventure began. Well neither of us were able to take out money off of our visa at first from any bank machine. Both of us were starting to panic because we could not get money and all we had was a twenty euro note that I had left over from last time. Thankfully Kim's worked at the money exchange place but mine did not. So she pulled out some money and we decided to get into town and then call our banks from there. However, the trains were on strike today/yesterday/everything was on strike, or most things, because it was May day, whatever that is....still not sure.

We managed to find a bus to get into town. But which bus to take, that was a good question and people were telling us different things so that was exciting. We did find someone who told us to take the X95 and on which we found a nice man who works in a tourist shop in Mykonos name John who helped us find our way to our hostel. He helped us find our way on the bus and on the metro in the city to get to our hostel. He was super nice. Everyone say a prayer of thanks for him although he did think Kim was getting married too young, which I found funny.

Either way, we found our hotel no problem and got our room. We then headed out to find a pay phone to call banks and Momma Andrews to let her know we were safe and sound. We called Momma and things were good. We called the bank, things were getting better, I could take out money again! Turns out, they thought someone stole my card number and was trying to steal money from me in Athens, it turns out that person was me. Surprise! Kim needs to get her account number and then call her bank again. We may just use mine for taking out cash and figure out money later.

We found this nice little restaurant for supper and we ordered way too much food but paid so little money for our feast. Oh, and then what did we do Kim, thats right, we visited the Acropolis at night under a full moon, quite nice and romantic, too bad we were both too tired to be romantic. We called Momma Andrews from the Acropolis. We then went to sleep.

Kim has something...

So, Athens. It's kind of a dump. The acropolis and our hostel are very nice... but yeah.. a dump! Its dirty, smoggy, and there are mangy mutts that just wander and apparently DIE on the streets. We are staying away from the puppies. Here's to hoping the islands are not so polluted and dying dog infested.

Despite our many adventures, we are having a great time, can't wait to see the Akropoli in daytime today and hit the islands in a couple days!

Dennis and Kim signing off here. Love you all!

Yours in Christ,

Kim and Dennis


2nd May 2007

Great to Hear from you!
I think I'm really going to enjoy this bloggy thing. I'm going to love hearing from you guys and hearing about your adventures. We are totally jealous here to hear about your full moon midnight walk. If you need any help with the bank problems please let us know what we can do for you to make things go more smoothly. Looking forward to the next adventure. Love Mom and Dad and all from Edmonton.
2nd May 2007

May Day explanation from the teacher in me :)
So you wanna know what May Day is? Even if you don't here's the explanation. :) May day is a pagan celebration celebrating the first day of summer even though officially summer doesn't start until June 21 (Dean and my anniversary :) Traditionally it has been a celebration of love and fertility and romance. All the young women would get all dressed up and put flowers in their hair and dance around the maypole (that pole with all the ribbons) and try to attract the attention of available young men. In more recent times May Day has also become another sort of Labour Day in some countries in which people take part in political and social demonstrations... which is what you suffered the effects of... So your romantic evening at the acropolis was very appropriate. :) Now Kim just put some flowers in your hair and go frolic in a field and see if Dennis will chase you. :) No political demonstrations and getting arrested though... hehehe
3rd May 2007

Living Vicariously
Hi Kim and Dennis, I loved your message from Athens. My experience with the full moon wasn't quite as wonderful as yours. I saw it from the school parking lot and thought..full moon, it figures, no wonder the kids are nutzoid. It was nice to imagine you two under the full moon. Enjoy the memories - even the not so wonderful ones. You will remember them forever. Love from Terri and Baba

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