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April 7th 2007
Published: April 7th 2007
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Hello and welcome to our travel blog! Currently, we are still at home in Edmonton/Spruce Grove. We just thought we'd set up our blog as we are going to be VERY busy in the coming weeks. This weekend is Easter, next weekend we will hopefully have a new home for Dennis (and me in 8 months!) to get started on renovations, and then we have a wedding and a retreat! BUSY!

We are leaving April 30th for a month of travels in Greece and Italy. We are starting off in Athens before hitting the Cyclades islands for 3 weeks until we fly to Rome for a week in the eternal city (and a couple days in Tuscany!).

Currently, Dennis is finishing up his masters in structural engineering at the University of Alberta, as well as working full time at UMA Engineering. Kim is in her second year of education at the University, majoring in history and minoring in religious studies. We are both looking forward to the month off to travel and relax, as it has been few and far between with planning a wedding, working, and doing all our other numerous activities.

We are really looking forward to exploring the world a bit more together (we met in Holland in 2005), falling deeper in love, and growing closer together in Christ's love. So join us on our experiences! We will update every few days and try to keep you all informed of our Euro Adventure 2007!

Yours in Christ,

Kim and Dennis


17th April 2007

Oh I am so excited for you two!!! You will have such a blast I know it! Chuck and I wish you two all the best with your planning (for both the trip and most of all the WEDDING!... I'm really excited about that! hehe) and we also want to wish you a safe trip (once it rolls around). I really look forward to hearing about everything and seeing picutres! (Ah... I wish Chuck and I could go somewhere hahaha) All the best and lots of love!!! Angela and Chuck
18th April 2007

Have fun!
Hey - looking forward to seeing where your travels take you. I hope you have a wonderful time together, and will be thinking of you and praying for you. God bless!

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