Attachment article

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April 4th 2007
Published: April 4th 2007
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I found this very interesting - and confronting - article on a mother's experience of her adopted daughter's struggle with attachment and the significant lengths she went to to address it:


4th April 2007

Don't scare yourself - parenting is hard enough!
As a friend of Caroline's, and the mother of two (now 18 and 16), I can say: Simply wait and see. Biological children can have attachment issues with their mother, too - as I know. Sometimes, regardless of the origin, the personalities of mother and child may clash. This doesn't mean that a loving, nurturing relationship can't develop and grow - but it does mean that 'expectations' may need to be modified constantly. My two were extremely different as babies: the first girl was detached, independent, preferring the father, ratty, infuriating yet an absolute doll with carers. The second boy was touchingly affectionate, thoughtful of others, appreciative, cuddly - an angel. There were no physical, medical, or psychological issues to hang my hat on... I just had to treat them as two different people, be a loving mother and do my best. Now they are both caring mature, polite, considerate, well-balanced.... painfully, infuriatingly, moody teenagers! No child will start out, or end up as 'perfect'. Parenting is actually a job where 'feeling like you're failing' is the best indicator towards future success. Enjoy the ride ... there will be ups and downs, but it's worth it!
4th April 2007

Parenting advice
Very true, Lise. Thanks for making me feel better!

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