Bosnia Hercegovina - A history Lesson

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March 19th 2007
Published: March 19th 2007
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Between the ages of 14-17 I was finishing the last years of my schooling, starting my first job, played squash and tennis in my free time, met up with mates and doing the usual stuff most of us did during the years of 1992 to 1995. During this time, the news reported on a country called Bosnia, and specifically a city called Sarajevo.

Now we were far away from this place and ok I was old enough to remember but not quite old enough to know the extent of what really took place. Maybe it wasn’t even my age that was the reason for not knowing exactly what was going on. Who of us can seriously say we know exactly what is going on in Iraq at this very moment. Who of us knows the differences between the factions in Iraq and why it is happening. We hear of people being killed and hurt all the time, but as it happens daily it just doesn't seem real. Well it is and when you visit Iraq in 10-20 years which I'm sure we will be able to, then it will hit you like a ton of bricks like it has me in Bosnia.

Let’s start in a little town in the southern region of Bosnia called Mostar.

Mostar - Unexpected destruction !!!!!!

I thought we would see a few buildings with bullet holes and some damage, but were we shocked. Nearly every 2nd building was damaged. Most were riddled with bullet holes

Many were burnt out and half destroyed. We came across a modern 10 storey building that looked like it belonged in the middle of Chatswood and it was gutted, the majority of the glass panels were blown or shot out. You could see exposed steel in the concrete of where shells had struck.

We met Emma, a gal from New Zealand who toured around with us for a week or so through Bosnia and Serbia. That night we had dinner overlooking the rebuilt bridge of Mostar (a 500 year old bridge that was destroyed in the war and rebuilt recently).

The next day we head to Sarajevo by train, arrive at the station and a bloke meets us and organizes us a room at the local Hostel in the old town. This hostel the rooms smelt, the beds creaked, the bathroom was crap but it was awsome just because of the people and the atmosphere. We met people from all over the globe, even one as far away as Melbourne. Madeline I’ve put up the Bomb disposal photo up as requested !!

We took a tour of the Tunnel of Sarajevo, a tunnel built under the airport that broke through the siege to get power, water, supplies into the surrounded city. While on the bus ride the vehicle comes to a screeching halt as it’s all roped off. The tour guide “Sonny” states it must be due to landmines with a sly laugh. We state “I’m sure he’s joking, isn’t he”. We then turn the corner and a UN bomb squad appears. Sonny smurk’s to himself.

The tour was very informative, Sonny was one of the 300,000 people trapped in the seiged city and explained the day to day lives on how they survived. One joke that sticks in my mind was "A middle aged Bosnian is swinging on a swing set in the middle of sniper alley, another yells at him.... WHAT ARE U DOOING.. !!!!. The guy on the swing replys "I'm just fucking with the snipers".

I spose it's this kind of humour that got these beseiged people through these horrible years of thier lifes.

He then told us that people would have to run thru sniper alley, line up for water for hours and nearly get home to have the serb snipers shoot holes in thier water canisters so they would have to repeat the whole process again.

So next time you think you have problems, try and think of these citizens of Sarajevo and thier shocking years and maybe things arn't quite that bad.

This country has had a big effect on me, one that you can only get by hearing the stories told first hand. Sarajevo is a must for anyone in the area.

Next blog will be from the other side. Serbia and Belgrade.

Additional photos below
Photos: 23, Displayed: 23


The New CrewThe New Crew
The New Crew

Behind us is Sniper alley. This is the location where many serbain snipers killed people in thier day to day lives trying to survive the seige.
The Holiday Inn. Where all the reporters stayed during the seige.The Holiday Inn. Where all the reporters stayed during the seige.
The Holiday Inn. Where all the reporters stayed during the seige.

Watch the move "Welcome to Sarajevo". These gals were walking past and couldn't help getting thier picy snapped.

29th March 2007

Wow what can you say
Rohan, your commentary on Bosnia was fantastic we tend to whinge alot about whats going wrong in Australia. However when confronted with the reality of other parts of the world it makes us appreciate what we have and hope like hell we never have to experience war first hand. Your commentary was confronting yet it was a really great travel blog. You will have gained something which cannot be taught as a result of this trip and that is experience and perspective.
1st April 2007

Hi from home
Roh, Fabulous yet. Photos gret too. It really was so powerful to see and almost hear the very sad story ..such a waste of life and society. Hope it will never happen here

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