This Honeymoon Ain't Over...

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March 10th 2007
Published: March 14th 2007
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

K&D's Luna de Miel

This is it...the whole trip, from our doorstep and back. It's not exact, but a rough approximation of how far we went.

Back to the High LifeBack to the High LifeBack to the High Life

We just happened to have these two beers in our fridge, so we used them to toast our return home.
Dave even said so. 😊

But, alas, our travels are over for a bit. After 24 hours of airplanes/airports, a day and a half in Anchorage (thanks Nick and Jess!!!) and a 4-hour drive, we arrived back home to our wee little house. Our lovely little four-legged friends who live with us are back too. The house looked great and all seemed well. We're still working on getting unpacked and getting the road cleared of snow, and it's COLD! Only 3 degrees with -15 degree windchill as I write this, fortunately all toasty warm inside with a cup of good REAL coffee (sorry, Nescafé). But nonetheless, we are happy to be home. Home Sweet Homer.

Thanks to you all for reading and following our travels.

Until next time,
Kevyn and Dave
(who still really like each other)

P.S. The attached route map is a little rough. For some reason, there was no information on the maps of Argentina, Chile or Bolivia, so i had to guess a bit on the map points. It also won't let you click on the same place twice. But anyway, it's still kind of fun to see that we travelled approximately 23,000
Snowshoeing Home Snowshoeing Home Snowshoeing Home

Dave carried Alfred. I carried the litter box. Bandit was on her own.
miles! Okay, chau for now!

Additional photos below
Photos: 7, Displayed: 7


15th March 2007

welcome back
welcome back. great pics! i loved the blog and am sad that your trip is over...selfish more blog updates to check from the cubicle ;-( talk to you soon! ps-don't your buns get cold using the outhouse at this time of the year?
16th March 2007

Thanks again for taking the time to share your experiences.......I have so enjoyed your blog and pictures.

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