Stuck in Agra

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March 3rd 2007
Published: March 13th 2007
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So I decided I had made a big mistake hiring a driver so sacked him for various reason and then ended up stuck in Agra - all the buses and trains out were full so I was going out of my brain - I hadn't seen another westerner for 4 days and I was in the main tourist areas!!!! If you ask anyone who has traveled India about Agra they will tell you that a day trip is all you need as it's not a nice place - it's expensive and you are hassled CONSTANTLY so after 3 days in India I was really beginning to think I had made a big mistake....

Then I met the first India man I have kinda trusted so far - Nandi (Paul) Singh and he helped sort out a ticket outta there - to Ajmer the next day. I decided to go see the Red Fort, it was very impressive and I spent several hours just taking the feelings there and being overwhelmed by the work that was put in so many years ago - how they lifted up such heavy stone so high without machinery still amazes me now.

Went out with Paul for Dinner and just sat around talking about the different cultures before I got an early night at the hotel; wishing I was back home in England with everyone I know and love and trust.


14th March 2007

Stuck in Agra V stuck in Bournemouth...
Hey Kiddo! How does this sound.... rain, wind, cold, computer screens, annoying clients, ringing phones, idiots on the roads, idiots in general.... noise, pollution and a stupidly high cost of living! Appealing??? I doubt it, I'm sure India will hold many more stunning encounters both on an aesthetic and spiritual level. Try and rise above the culture buffeting at you and breath in the wonderment that surrounds you. Just don't come back a hippy man!! That would annouy me. Miss you loads x x x

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