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February 27th 2007
Published: February 27th 2007
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Maybe it was because it seemed like a lot of work and $$$ to go to another island or another place on Ko Pha-Ngan, or maybe we just loved it so much, but Emily and I ditched Ko Tao and a spa/yoga resort called the Sanctuary in favor of Bottle Beach. We stayed six nights - longer than any other place in Southeast Asia. But it really is an island paradise, so i don't mind! It's kind of nice to find a great place and stay for a while instead of always being on the move.

But we did get some yoga in! We met a quirky guy from Los Angeles named Greg (he's really funny) who did a whole yoga session for us on the beach one morning (and then again another morning). I was sweaty and covered in sand afterwards - but i felt fabulous! I've never done yoga before, especially not on a beach in Thailand!

We also did another little snorkeling trip - it was just Greg, Emily, and I so it kind of felt like we just rented our own little private long tail boat and went for a little cruise. We went to two different beaches and snorkelled off the coast, and sunbathed on the boat deck. So relaxing and so much fun!

One of my favorite dinners in Asia is when you get to pick a fish or squid (or whatever) freshly caught from the sea, and then it's BBQ'd on a fire of hot coals for you. We walked down to the other end of bottle beach for that - plus a bonfire, fireworks, and a little fire dance.

This morning it was time to move on! A seven minute long tail boat ride brought us around the island to Ao Thong Nai Pan Noi. It's a bit bigger than Bottle Beach, more resorts and more people, but just as beautiful. We'll be here until after the Full Moon Party (six nights) before we move onto Bangkok. I can't believe my time here in SEA is drawing to and end! Unbelievable.

Miss you all

ps it feels weird to have so little to report...but that's what happens when there's nothing to do on the beach....sooooo fabulous 😊

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1st March 2007

hi there
Hey Linds and Emily Fabulous journals, it's like being there (except it's -20 here and +30 there). Congrats on passing the acup. exam. I've started at the new place (almost a month now) I'm slow but it's picking up steadily. I'm looking forward to reading more of your adventures. Later

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