Ok just a little update and some more pics

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February 5th 2007
Published: February 5th 2007
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Lost at bowling so I had to scull this gross drink from Okinawa (island right down the bottom of Japan). It's like that gross green health drink (green grass?) but worse!!!
So THANKYOU KEAN im sorry that my blog is like an essay but I don't have time to edit and make it look pretty!!!

So what's been happening recently? Nothing much really.....

I had an awesome buy the other day. I was looking for a suede jacket with soft fur sorta lining for a while and I went into town with some friends and while they mucked around at the amusement arcade i shopped. Saw quite a few good ones but nothing I really wanted.

Just as I was going to give up I stubbled across a nice jacket. It's a brown jacket (not a colour I've really worn before)but it was just my size and its well made (branded). But yeah I was considering for a while (even though it was 50%!o(MISSING)ff ) and I was chatting away with the shop attendant and well with my charms I got him (hmmm what does this say about me?! haha) to get his manager to give it to me for 70%!o(MISSING)ff. Bargain!!! Easy to make a decision when its 70%!o(MISSING)ff. Its a nice jacket if i do say so myself. Its nice and soft on the inside and out (tracy, im sure you'll like this jacket!!) and warm and trendy.

Anyway why am I writing about jackets? I don't know.

Ummm, my friends from Kobe came up to visit me for a few days. It was good to see them again. I got to snowboard with them and have dinner with them and went in the Onsen with them. Unfortunately they went back today and my 2 days off end today.

Back to work tomorrow!!!

It snowed quite a lot yesterday. The depth of snow at the top of the mountain is now at 320 cm and at the bottom of the slopes it's 200 cm. But it's only -8 degrees at the top. This is quite warm considering it was about -13 degrees the other day.

It was an awesome day to snowboard today. Because it snowed heavily yesterday the conditions were really good today and it was sunny so the conditions were perfect. What made it better was that about 12 staff were snowboarding together today. It was awesome to do jumps and such things together. We had a video camera
At friends farewell partyAt friends farewell partyAt friends farewell party

Yet another staff member has left us!! Means I have to work harder. Dammit!!!
with us so there should be some awesome footage (like my friend doing a front flip and me doing wicked stacks!!! haha)
I'll have to get copies of some videos to take back with me.

Well for anyone wondering, I've got 2 months left of my contract, and I should be back in Perth by Mid april. I've been missing a lot of important events and will continue to (like New Years, Oz day and valentines day coming up) and I'm sorry I can't join you all but I'm sure you're having heaps of fun without me (i'm sure some of you are enjoying the break from me!!! hahaha).

Please tell friends of my blog, I don't have enough time to email everyone and tell them about it.

Hope my blogs aren't too boring and essay like (is this a little better kean?)

Ok friends and family, take care, I'll see you guys soon.


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Karaoke!!! Karaoke!!!

Ok ok I've picked up the peace sign again!!! It's catchy, I swear!!!
Working hard!! (haha)Working hard!! (haha)
Working hard!! (haha)

Not quite sure what's going on here. Air steward? haha Pete and a friend in our work uniform. I'll have to get a pic of me in my uniform also.

6th February 2007

Heya Yorma T! Why din you blog earlier!!! we have missed integral parts of your lil adventure now!... its ok... at least your making notes now!!! Sounds like soo much funn... oooh ooh boarding... and chilling with all your work mates!!!! AAAAAAHHHH pete in uniform looks soo cool... and yet soo... weird... coz i only see ppl in those uniforms in movies... and now theres someone i know in em!!! yea get one of u in the uniform too = D
12th February 2007

Yorma buddy, It sounds like you and Pete are really living it up over there. And if you're slaving away for bugger all money you'll always remember this time as an unique experience. Skull a ??????for me!
13th February 2007

Yo ma ma!
G'day Yoz! Godd to see you haven't exploded in a catastrophic snow-boarding accident yet (i don't know why i said that... =P). Cool to see this spanking-new blog of yours (now you've gone to the dark side, you'll never return...you blogger you!) =) Awesome to see how things are going with you- pity about the lack of Net eh? Keeping very busy i see- hope your having a kick-a$$ time and getting the most out of it. Yes, jackets sure are interesting. And i'm sure ur skills of male-persuasion were no match for that poor salesperson (i should know- i've experience them first hand! get it? first HAND? Heheh! Cheeky!) Appreciate how long ur blog is- always good to hear more of your crazy escapades. Keep up the good work! Can't wait to catch up with ya when you get back mate. Take care!
25th February 2007

Yes I am sure I will like ur "bargin brown" jacket... NOT that ani1 else cares... And its still looks like u r smile'n altho u r drinking the most disgusting drink... (Oh... and u must de-catch the peace sign wen u return 2 Perth...) xoxoxo - FrUiTy

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