Pisac today

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June 26th 2005
Published: June 26th 2005
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Pisac being a small town in the Sacred Valley, at about an hour´s (absolutely horrendously sickening) bus ride from Cusco. There was a market, half local, half tourist. We took seats in the balcony of a cafe overlooking the lot. Fab view, with the tips of the Inca ruins just visible and all the hustle and bustle beneath. Old women kneel on sheets with foodstuffs laid out around them for sale. While one biddy was off weeing in the streets or something (they do this, saw it with our own eyes, like two-year-olds in nappies, just crouch when they need to) a dog came and had a good nibble at the mangy chicken carcasses she was selling. Seeing as how we had observed that most cafes don´t keep anything but the basic ingredients on site and just go and buy whatever they need after you´ve ordered, we stuck to the vegetarian options.

Stood up on the way home, not beeing nifty enough with the old elbows to bag a seat. Felt fine, staring into the distance out of the back window.

Overnight bus to Arequipa tonight, leaves at 8 and arrives at 5 in the morning. Oh, and there might be strikes, meaning we get turned back or dropped at the border overnight. Should be a barrel of laughs.

Thinking of opening it up to the floor on whether or not to cycle the "Death Road" in Bolivia. Most of the way, you´re cycling less than a metre from the edge, with 1000 feet sheer drops, on rough road with lorries passing you on the inside frequently. People die most years. Alice says definitely not, you don´t overcome your fear at any point in the two hours when it´s at its worse. Chris says definitely worth doing. I can´t decide.


27th June 2005

Def do death road!
Definitely do the death road bike ride. Was one of the best things I did and I reckon you'd love it. But now I['ll feel REALLY awful if there's some horrbile accident. Maybe I should add a disclaimer! Inca Trail sounds grand (not least for the sheer number of meals!) Keep it up Beamish! xx
28th June 2005

Thank God you've got your luggage
My dear Elizabeth, I came late to this, and have just lived through a terrible quarter of an hour about your luggage. What a relief! Will have to go for a lie-down now, but will be in touch again. Love from us all, be careful.
28th June 2005

Don't do it!
Don't you dare do the road of death. But if you do, don't come running to me if you break your leg and if you get yourself killed I'll never speak to you again.
28th June 2005

So that´s one all so far
Thanks, Dad, very funny.
28th June 2005

Yes, I remember you saying you really enjoyed the cycling, Sammie. I think I probably will do it...
29th June 2005

don't you dare go and get yourself killed leaving all your posessions filling up our garage. Still I suppose there is always the car boot sale option...

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