Happy New Year

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January 2nd 2007
Published: January 2nd 2007
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Hi All,

This is me just before leaving for my big trip to New Zealand - yippee!!

More to follow soon.

Happy blogging and new Year!!



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Em day before tripEm day before trip
Em day before trip

Happy New Year!!

2nd January 2007

Big Trip
Good luck for your trip! I look forward to hearing from your adventures! Speak to you soon Staff
5th January 2007

How very exciting this blogging thing is!
6th January 2007

Helloooooooooooo Sexy Lady
This is my first post (I'm struggling to understans how this site works) so I thought I'd just say that I hope you have the best time ever and I look forward to meeting up in 8 weeks. Love Me (Rob) XXX :-)
16th January 2007

Update your blog...now!
Hello, I'd just like to invite you to my Invista leaving do on 26th January in Cheltenham. i've checked out lastminute.com and flights are reasonable so I'll see you then. Looking forward to your first update. Hope youre having fun...we got Kara's postcard today. See ya Chris
31st January 2007

Hello Chick, Well back at work now same old, quiet without you!! :-) Still burnt and suffering, and there was me moaning that you were moaning, he he. Looking forward to seeing photo's of the South Island. They won't be as good though cus I won't be in them. he he :-) Take care, miss ya loads! Kara xx

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