First Day in Berlin

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December 19th 2006
Published: December 20th 2006
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Hey all,
Firstly, this keyboard is funny. Z is in place of Y, so if i type z then it means y, and vice versa.

So i've managed to navigate my way to where I am staying, whilst trzing to be subtle and not be pointed about being a tourist. Apart from looking confusedly at a large map, carrying a huge bag and clicking photos everywhere, so far so good!

Hostel is good, my bed is the warmest comfyest bed i've ever slept in. Met a cool person from Tasmania this morning, who's off to Spain today. She's been travelling for 6 months.

Berlin is Very Cold. At about 5pm the temp dropped dramatically. But i still have 10 fingers and 10 toes. I think... *counts*

Went to Spandau y'day, which is a NW suburb of Berlin. The xmas market was gorgeous, there was warm gooey stuff being sold everywhere, namely donuts and sausages. And mulled wine, and just yummy stuff. Ate so much! I'm going to get verz fat at this rate. Spandau is lovelz, I recommend going there, it's all cobbly streets, and verz German.

Another observation, the transport szstem here is AMAZING! berlin is huuugggeeee, and i onlz need to walk like 2 mins from anywhere, wait about 1 minute, before a U Bahn, S Bahn, or bus comes along. It's great. There's stops everywhere, the trains are super fast and you can't reallz get lost. Unless zou're a dimwit.

Ok so I got lost y'day, i forgot to get off at Berliner Platz (strasse?) coz i fell asleep (yeah i know, bad idea) so i just sat on the U Bahn for like 40 mins before I thought ok i'll get off and go back to Berliner, change to U7 and get off at Turmstrasse which is 2 mins from where i'm stazing.

But then I went to Spandau Zitadelle instead, which is a weird building beside lots of water which i haven't researched yet so have no idea of its significance. But yzeah it was spookz. Coz it was reallz reallz dark, there was no one there, and there were loads of cobwebs and these two screeching cats. Might go back during daz.

ok im hungrz, need to hav brekkz, need to get train ticket from berlin to warsaw sorted (hasn't been sent zet! panicking) need to get touring the main sights (sites?) and need to find Barfus.

over n oot.



20th December 2006

Hey Margaret, glad to hear u got there safe and sound! For some reason i thought u were leaving for berlin today (wednesday) sounds like ur already having an amazing time. The soft gooey food sounds ace, lol. I was all excited when i gt ur wee travel update e-mail :D need to keep us updated like everywhre u go!! Even if ur in the middle of nowhere with no computers lol as i always say.. who cares? Find one! Haha. U should keep a diary about ur trip and update it as often as u can! That way you'll be able to remember EVERYTHING! Coz thinking back to Workshop Europe i'm sure there's lots of hilarious stuff that happened that we've all totally forgotten about! But yea i'm sure ur already doing that!! :) Nothing new to report for me.. got my hair cut today and that's about it! I've been uber lazy recently so when ur doing lots of new exciting stuffs i'll probably be sleeping, haha. Anyhoo.. i can't think of anything else to say! Just have a good time and keep safe, don't talk to strangers :P and always wait for the green man when u cross the street, lol. Now i'm just rambling!! But have an awesome time and an amazing x-mas if u haven't heard from u before then!! Love ya lots, like jelly tots :D S.m.eleanor x x
21st December 2006

hey hooy
yeah im having a great time!! I'm off to Potsdamm today, then Charlottenburg palace, then heading to Reichstag again, then along to Kopenick and Treptow in the east. Yeah I figured out the green man thing when people growled at me if I walked through a red one! even if there were no cars for like 2 miles. ok i gotta shoot because i stayed up so late researching what im doing today that i slept in in the morning... oops!!

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