Grand Canyon

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May 20th 2023
Published: May 21st 2023
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Daybreak run down the Rim Trail to the South Kaibab Trailhead
So this morning I started at the visitor center about 4:30 AM. By 4:45 I was starting my run on the rim trail towards the South Kaibab trailhead. The weather was perfect, 50’s with a bit of a breeze.
By about 5:29 I was at the trailhead and by 5:35 I started my descent into the canyon. There were a lot of people on the trail, both hikers and runners, which was nice. I found it tough to keep going because I wanted to stop at every turn and take pictures, or just look because it was so awesome. I got to see all of the landmarks I had seen while doing the run virtually; Ooh Ahh Point, Cedar Ridge, Skeleton Point. It was a pretty nice run, but the constant running downhill really pounded my quads and I had to be especially careful to not stumble and land on my face. Luckily, I was able to stay upright the entire day.
Before I knew it, I was heading through the tunnel to the wooden bridge across the Colorado river and on to Phantom Ranch, where I took a break and refilled my water. It was a much-needed break but I kept it short; the hardest part of the trip was yet to come and I didn’t want to get too comfortable!
So off I went, I believe it was around 8:30 AM or so, down the River trail to the second, metal bridge and back across the River, heading toward Pipe Creek beach and then up Bright Angel Trail.
I was able to mostly run the river trail to Pipe Creek, stopped at Pipe Creek Beach to check out the water. Then it was up heading toward Indian Gardens. By now I was jogging/ hiking intermittently but I was expecting that the final part of this would be mostly hiking. By the time I cleared Indian gardens it was mostly hiking and, shortly before the 3 mile stop, I broke out the trekking poles and it became just a hike. My legs were really feeling by now and the altitude as I climbed up took its toll, so it was just a constant grind, one step at a time. It gave more opportunity to look around though, take pictures, and just truly admire what a wonder the Grand Canyon is!
Finally, I reached the 1.5 mile water stop, and eventually the first of 2 tunnels that you pass through on the way out of the canyon on Bright Angel Trail. When I reached the second tunnel, I knew I was nearly at the top and before long there I was, standing in front of the Bright Angel Trail sign. It was truly one of the most difficult things I had done physically, but I loved every minute!
After a short nap and shower I was ready for an actual meal, not uncrustables, runner’s gu, or gummy worms. There was a steakhouse across the street from my motel, Big E’s Steakhouse. Great food and nice people. Now I’m just trying to stay awake until at least 8.00PM….Don’t know if I can make it that long!

Additional photos below
Photos: 27, Displayed: 24



Ooh Ahh Point

Tunnel to the Wood Bridge across the Colorado River

Phantom Ranch

Pipe Creek Beach

Bright Angel Trail on the way to Indian Gardens

Love this sign!

A relatively cool day in the canyon

Don’t feed the squirrels!

21st May 2023

Great job - very proud of you. Glad you made it through safe and with no problems; I'm sure you will sleep really good tonight!

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