Day 25 - 9,000ft and falling....

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December 1st 2006
Published: December 2nd 2006
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Phils blog...
The aircraft door slid open - below 9,000ft of pure cold air. We were high above a huge lake and river delta, surrounded by snow capped mountains. I was the first to jump. I'd felt only a little nervous while we geared up and boarded the cramped little plane only 15 minutes earlier. A quick glance down out of the hatch, and my human survival instinct momentarily took grip -

I can't do this

I said - I was sh!tting it!

Yes you can, you'll be just fine

, said Rob my tandem sky diver. I pushed my fears to one side quickly and I was ready. Nerves gone. I dropped my legs out of the plane, we jumped, and we plummetted! A quick spin upside down, and we faced down hurtling at 120mph towards the floor - free falling. WHOHAAAAAAAAA! WOOOOHOOOOO! THIS IS BRILLIAAAAAAAAAANT! OOOOOH MYYYYY GODDDDDD! YEEEAAAHHHHHHHHHH! 30 seconds of free falling! At first a few whispy clouds whisked pass revealing the landscape below as the wind gushed past. The parachute opened and we quickly slowed down to a gently glide. However my photographer, who also jumped with us, was much further below so we had to descend quickly to catch up with him. Now the free

fall was just amazing; I wasn't scared one bit and wanted it to last longer; I've never experienced anything like it. The next bit suprisingly caught me out - we entered a spiraling motion to descend which unfortunately made me suffer from motion sickness - I felt dizzy, couldn't see properly, and felt sick! bah! After a few spirals we caught up with the photographer and took a nice gradual descend the floor. I landed, and watched as Shelley land a few moments later. I still can't believe I'd done a Sky Dive - it was incredible! Definetly the highlight so far!

Shelleys blog...

Wow - what a day! This has been the highlight of my trip so far. As the weather was good we had booked on to do a skydive above Glenorchy! It is an area surrounded my snow capped mountains and a large blue lake in the middle of it all. I was nervous about doing the skydive but not as nervous as I had been when I did the Skyjump. We flew for about 15 minutes in a very small plane with no seatbelts and no real seats. Even this scared me! I was attached very firmly to the front of a man called james (don't get jelous girls). The after Phil had jumped (who looked more scared than I have ever seen him) we hung our legs over the edge of the plane and James jumped, with me obviosly. We free falled for about 30 seconds which was bloody scary but amazing at the same time. I was falling all over tha place and then James released the parachute and I enjoyed a very comfortable ,easy, enjoyable fly all the way back down. I was on such a high when we landed - I loved it and want to do it again!!

Later that day...

After throughing ourselves out of a plane we decided for something a little saner... a walk around the Glenorchy Lagoons - which had great scenary. It was getting warmer and was sunny with blue skies.

We then headed back to Queenstown to book into a Campsite for the night. That evening we visited the Minus 5 bar - a bar completely made from ice. Even our "glasses" that we drank from where made from Ice. We were given parkers, gloves, and boots, and when we entered the room it was actually -8 degrees - so we got an extra 3 degrees for free. :o) A great end to the day.

Additional photos below
Photos: 11, Displayed: 11


2nd December 2006

Looks amazing! Great experience, will have to find some courage and do it myself! Glad your having fun - looking forward to catching up in OZ....
2nd December 2006

Top F***in' Banana you two. That looks amazing. I've always wanted to do that and yes, I would sh1te myself too. In fact I got scared just reading about it. The views look fantastic, what a place to jump. "Rach, pack yer bags, we're off to NZ!!"
2nd December 2006

mother at work speaking
glad you are both having a good time. missing you at work nights not the same. shelley im going to thailand 3rd january until 19th staying at cha am hotel holiday inn regent buy you a drink or two if you are near keep safe love to you both anne
3rd December 2006

Free Falling
Wow fanrtastic oh to be 30 years younger and doing what you are doing I am so happy but so envious of you both having so many adventures. Bet you didn't need ice in your drinks the night at The Ice Bar.
4th December 2006

I cant believe you have done a sky dive I am so envious!!! It looks amazing. Im on the next plane to NZ so wait for me at Queenstown, should be there in a couple of days!!! Also Take That are number 1!!! xxx
5th December 2006

Ayup guy's i have just caught up with all your bloggs i haven't read since you went away i keep forgetting to have a look! it looks like you are having a fantastic time and have some wicked photo's, making the most of the activities available they all look really exciting...Well done to you both for doing the sky drive it i was nervous just looking at photo's but would love to do it...well thats it for now take care have fun nat x x
5th December 2006

What next ??!!!
How on earth are you two going to top this one?? (Or maybe you shouldn't tell me in advance, I like my sleep!!). I am so proud of you both. Keep the updates and pictures coming, we love them. Take care, luv you loads. Mum
10th December 2006

Re: WOW!
Yeah it was a fantastic experience Shep - you should definetly find that courage from somewhere and do it when you visit NZ! There are tons of places to do it :)
10th December 2006

Re: Un-be-lieve-able
LOL. Thanks dude :) Yeah the views where just amazing - couldn't have asked for better!
10th December 2006

Re: What next ??!!!
hehe. well - a jump at 15,000ft with 60 secs free fall?!?! I don't think we'll be doing it any time soon so you can sleep well! :)

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