Done Khong

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November 23rd 2006
Published: November 23rd 2006
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as it implies in the title of this entry, I am done as in ill but I shall start at the beginning and bear in mind that even though some bad things happened yesterday I'm fine now... ominous I know!
okay so I got here Tuesday and met this Aussie girl named Isabelle and we bought tickets to go to Don Det and Don Khon for Wednesday then we went for a walk in the blistering sun.
Wednesday I get up and don't feel that good but I assure myself that all I need is some water and a little something to eat, so I eat and drink. When I get to the boat I feel worse and want to stay behind but I go along anyways. About halfway there I start to puke over the side of the boat and there are few things I hate more than getting sick in front of people. Everyone was really concerned for me though, which was nice and the Canadian in me immediately started apologizing to them.
When we got to Don Det I found a hammock and slept there until it was time to get the boat back and Isabelle came and checked on me a couple of times. We got back on the boat and I opted to sit on the floor so I'd have something to lean against (it was a longtail) and once again began puking over the side of the boat. poor me.
when we got back I could barely stand or walk but managed to get to the place where my laundry was being done and buy an electrolyte energy drink, which a sipped on the epic-seeming walk back to my guesthouse with many pit stops to sit down along the way. As soon as I got to my room I stipped down and got into bed. I woke up at midnight having to pee so I had to go outside, down some stairs and around the back to use the toilet. When I got back upstairs I was attempting to lock the door and I blacked out. When I came to I thought I was in my bed but I was lying on the floor where I'd fallen (luckily right onto my laundry where I'd dropped it earlier) but I'd hit my head and I now have a bump there.
I haven't puked since the boat journey though and have been able to consume water and even some solid food! I feel really lucky that I'm okay because it could have been very bad. I was debating even writing about it on my blog, but it's all part of the experience, right? also there's no need to worry now because I'm fine. honestly.
anyways, what else? I've travelled down the Mekong by bus to Savannakhet, a really cute little city that I wish I'd had more time in, and to Pakse, which was kinda boring. Now am in the 4 thousand islands but I've wasted my time here by being ill, but hey shit happens and there's no use getting utterly distraught about it.
tomorrow I'll head off to Bangkok and be there Saturday morning then I fly to Dubai Monday and am supes excited!


23rd November 2006

Hey Jones, Are you SURE you're okay? It's scary because next time I read your blog I don't want to see "Well - I lied". Just make sure to take care of yourself! I'd do it myself but I'm here and you're there. I love you. Be safe!
23rd November 2006

You seem to have a habit of puking when you visit the happiest places on earth. Too bad you missed this one! Glad you're OK. Watch that sun and heat for a while, sweetie.
23rd November 2006

feel better soon, i heart you
23rd November 2006

Wow man, Your a friggin trooper. Look at you all hardcore and such! EmD and I went to Evo last night. There was much talk of you! Keep rockin in the free world you nut!

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