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November 6th 2006
Published: November 11th 2006
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We missed the cacophony of fireworks in Lewes this year and traded it in for the horns of the traffic on our journey to Jaipur.

We arrived in Jaipur at about 2ish and were taken straight to the City Palace there. This was quite interesting but not as good as some of the sights we had seen. One of the best bits was looking at the armoury section. An array of weaponry is shown with some quite inventive tools. The best one for us was probably the dagger which transformed itself into open scissors once thrusted into the victim! Nice.

He then took us to the Hawa Mahal also known as 'Palace of the Winds' a honeycomb shaped palace where ladies would sit at windows to watch things happening in the streets below.

After quite a long journey we were keen to get to our hotel, so we went straight there after a very short spurt of sightseeing (we didn't think that Jaipur was up to much - its very busy and very dirty!). In the evening we saw our first Indian puppet show. Not really Punch and Judy but entertaining all the same. Typically the show ended abruptly with a sales pitch for some scary looking puppets! Our room was another large suite, very comfy and airy but had a serious stink of moth balls in and around the bathroom!

By this stage although mentally we were well into the travelling, culture and food but our bodies were slower to catch up. Tiredness and the dreaded Delhi belly kicked in (for the next three days) at about the same time for the both of us. Nothing serious but still a drag.

We had dinner alfresco with our daily dose of Kingfisher beer and went off to bed ready for our journey onto Jodpur the next morning......


13th November 2006

Good to hear from you both!
I hope that I haven't duplicated this message as I was half through one earlier which diasppeared after I pressed the wrong button. So apologies if I cause any confusion. Love the photo of you on the camel Ruth but your lovely smile did'nt convince us that you were really enjoying the experience and felt totally comfortable about your decision to go for a ride on a camel. Sorry to hear about your tummy upsets but I suppose when you take off for four weeks on an exotic adventure such as this, you probably have to expect a little rumble in the jungle when testing out those taste buds on the local cuisine. Glad to hear that you were able to continue enjoying the occasional Kingfisher. Your experiences on the roads seem really 'hairy'. Not sure about the Zebra Crossings though, or is it that you kept seeing lots of zebras crossing? Your brief accounts are really interesting as usual and can't wait to see more. Take great care of yourselves. Love to you both.

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