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November 7th 2006
Published: November 7th 2006
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View from the riverView from the riverView from the river

A temple thingy
Hello friends, its me!!

Sorry for my absence, hope you missed me.

Can't remeber where i left off but think i was in Ayuthya. Spent my last day there wandering round all the temples and filling time. It was festival time here so lots of fire works and fire crackers making me jump out of my skin at every available opportunity. Had a trip down the river past all the little houses and shacks where the locals live, couldn't believe it, as a boat with two Western tourists sail past their house rather than being irritated by the intrusion they come running out and wave, grinning from ear to ear. They really are such a lovely warm hearted nation. Also that day i found myself sat next to a girl with a Welsh accent and when we got chatting i found out that she went to the same teacher training college as me! Amazing, i graduated 13 years ago and have never met anyone else who went there. I fly 7000 miles and meet someone. So we swapped stories for a bit, nice to remember old times.

Sue and i were due to catch the 8.30 night bus
That's meThat's meThat's me

At least i hope that's what it says?
to Chaing Mai. We waited at the hotel and a tuk tuk turned up and the driver called Chaing Mai so we went out and he threw our packs onto the roof and ushered us in. We set off thinking he was picking up other travellers and taking us to the bus station. There was a little old lady next to him and she turned and laughed "tuk tuk to Chaing Mai, all way"! We laughed too and settled down. 20 minutes later hairing down the highway we weren't laughing anymore. At any moment i expected to see my pack fall off the top or the whole tuk tuk tip over with a strong gust of wind. We began to think that maybe we were going to make the whole journey by tuk tuk after all-a scarey thought. Thankfully we soon pulled in and boarded a double decker bus, where we settled down for the night. It wasn't a pleasant journey, 10 hours on a bus, but i did manage to get some sleep. A guy in front of me had an irritating and pleghmy cough, thankfully he was able to spit it up at regular intervals into a bag,
I made this!I made this!I made this!

Spring rolls and spicy soup
phew otherwise that could've been disgusting!!!!

Waking up at 6am we pulled into Chaing Mai. After a journey into town and fighting off the touts trying to sell their guest house and its benefits we found a room and crashed out for a few hours. The rest of the day was spent lazing round the pool and watching the parade and fireworks that marked the end of the festival.

Today i've been to a Thai cookery course where i cooked Pad Tai a noodle dish, spring rolls, green curry, chicken with cashew nuts, spicy coconut soup with prawns and then bananas in creamy coconut. It was all delicious and i look forward to trying it out on all of you. Although it was no Shepherds pie Ali, so i doubt you'll like it and anyway there was lots of green things in it!!

Tomorrow i am setting off on a three day trek to the mountains where i will meet some of the local hill tribes, bath with elephants and go white water rafting. Really looking forward to it and will tell you all when i get back on Fri night. After that its a boat trip up the Mekong river and into Laos.

Take care my lovely people and enjoy whatever it is you are doing.


7th November 2006

Love the pics, but can we see one with you on it too? Food sounds great look forward to trying it!
8th November 2006

You go girl!
Hey, I can't wait to come to yours for tea when/if you come home!!! x
10th November 2006

Heres hoping you have had a wonderful time cant wait to hear all about it

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