Emotions Run Deep and Strong

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November 5th 2006
Published: November 5th 2006
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Friends, Relatives and Co-Workers...Thank You

We just returned from a night out with our dear friends Don and Lindsay Mears. We went to BW3s for dinner (to continue our all American food binge) and then went to Starbucks to have drinks and play games for most of the evening. As the evening drew to a close we returned to Don and Lindsay's house to take some photos with them so that we could have pictures to show people while we travel and something to make us feel better when we get home sick. Don gave us a usb jump drive with a bunch of pictures on it so that we can have the pictures with us wherever we go. The idea was completely Don's and while we haven't looked at the pictures yet due to strict instruction to wait until we feel we really need them while traveling, I greatly appreciate the fact that our friends care enough to give us something more important than tangible objects....they have given us memories of the support and love we receive here at home.

This lead me, on the drive home, to think about how I feel at this point in our journey. I know some of you are questioning right now, "What journey, they haven't left yet?" It may be hard to believe for those of you who think about what we are doing as a giant vacation, but it takes a lot of planning, execution and more importantly emotional fortitude to accomplish what we are attempting. So, as I was driving home with Kel, my last few minutes with Don and Lindz were flashing through my mind and my emotions were running rather deep. As we left Don and Lindsay's house we all hugged each other and had the sudden realization that we were going to miss a year of each other's lives. Don and Lindz will be having their first child in March and Kel and I won't be there to support them and, of course, our lives will be a constantly changing tumultuously wonderful and exasperating series of new experiences and Don and Lindz won't be with us to share the good and the bad. As the drive commenced, Kel notice me being quiet and asked me how I was doing and I told her that I was sad about leaving Don and Lindz behind. We both commented on the fact that we really appreciated the work Don had done getting us pictures and Kel mentioned something that caught my attention, she said, "...more than the pictures Don gave us, Don gave us something more precious, his time..." It dawned on me in that moment that many of you out there reading this have given many precious things to us.

There are many ways to give and usually we, as humans, have the tendency to overlook the more important ways that we give to each other. The most noticed acts of giving involve tangible items such as Christmas presents, Birthday presents, etc., but the more important acts of giving involve time, effort, love and support. All of you have given us these things in one form or another.

I want to take a quick moment to thank a few specific people:

Thank you all for your time, support, effort and Love. We can never thank you enough for everything you've done and may do for us of the course of the next year. You have made all of this possible for us and for that we can never thank you enough!!


6th November 2006

Hello from St. Louis
Hey, Kelley. Sounds like you and Mike are off to a great adventure. It's fun to keep up with you all here. Safe travels!
7th November 2006

Negril - Sandals
Kelley, My husband and I were at that same resort in Negril last July with some friends as they got married and our thoughts about the resort were similar to yours. Great for partiers, not great for everyone! It did bring a lot of personal memories back for me, so just know that your travels are touching a lot of people, no matter how remotely, very deeply. Thanks for the updates, keep them coming! Wendy
18th November 2006

Friend of your dad and mom
I enjoyed your write up. I admire your courage to step out there and undertake this "great adventure". I think you are seizing a wonderful opportunity. I am 45 and wished I had done something like this. I am glad I can live vicariously through your travel blog.

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