Why does it always happen to me?

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November 4th 2006
Published: November 4th 2006
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Hello Dahlings!!

Couldn't think of you all just sat there staring at the screens in your sad little lives with out feeling sorry for you. So i'm coming into your lives once more to bring light and brightness, if only for a fleeting moment.

Up bright and early this morning to catch the bus towards Ayuthaya. Had to get a small local one first that wound its way through the streets of every little town on the way. It takes a long time but its not unpleasant, at least you get to see a lot more of local life and culture. After changing buses halfway we continued on our course, there has been a lot of flooding here and all the fields are water logged. In one little town the locals were still using boats to get around and i saw one girl using a pay phone while sitting in her boat!

An hour or so into the journey an old guy got onto the bus and stumbled towards me, he reached out and put his hand on my thigh to steady himself and then plumped down beside me, oh joy!

He then got his money out of his pocket to pay and again rested his hand on my leg, i gently but firmly removed it and tried to ignore him. Gabbling away in Thai at me i didn't have a clue what he was saying but then he developed a fascination with my watch. He kept picking up my wrist to look at it and kept saying the same thing, he'd then turn to the other people on the bus and say something and they all turned an looked. (I'm getting used to it now!) After his interest in my watch had wained he seemed to develop an equally enthralling interest in my face and just leant forward in his chair and stared at me. Now i don't know if you've ever tried to ignore a little Thai man staring at you but it ain't easy. I didn't feel threatened or scared just a little uneasy, i can't think what it was he was so fascinated by. Thankfully after about half an hour he stood up to get off and literally fell out the door. At the stop he pulled up the leg of his trousers and peed against the fence, nice! Drunk old men, same the world over!

Arrived in Ayuthaya and managed to get the last room in the guest house, seems the whole town is booked up for some festival that is going on. In fact all the transport out of here tomorrow is booked up but it just so happens our land lady could get us seats on the VIP bus up to Chang Mia, slightly dearer than public transport but there you go!!! So night bus it is. Leaves here 8.30pm tom night and gets to Chang Mia in the far North around 5am.

Had a little wonder round the market here this afternoon and came across a stall selling some local delicacies including cockroach, maggot, scorpian, frog and deep fried baby bird! Mmm how did i resist? Bought you some to try though!

So that's me up to date. A long day tomorrow so don't worry if there isn't an update now for a day or so although i may use an hour of tomorrow when i'm not tired (like now, i'm off to bed after this) to suss out photo's, yes i know i keep saying it but i really will try and get round to it. Promise.

Night all.


4th November 2006

One thing though.
Whr r the pics Rach? Whr r the pics? Internet being a visual medium and all its more fun if ur loyal fans could see what you are seeing too :)
5th November 2006

Old men
How right you are, they are the same the world over, but still trying to meet my prince , I have my princesses and I love them to bits.

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