Ooops we're in Uruguay

Published: October 8th 2008
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Once again as we plough ahead the blog falls behind. The beligerent and often opinionated Journal (it has a mind of it's own - oh yes) can be want for acts of untold insight and clarity. But with such generousity (if it may be so called) comes lazyness. A big fat lazyness. One that would rather wile away the hours devouring gloriously rich ice cream, high on coffee and the waft of meat that pervades the soul throughout this part of the world.

Yes once again (in case you couldn't tell) the blog has ... well ... fallen behind a wee bit. A whole country behind in fact.

We've missed Argentina.


Now not to worry we're going back in a few weeks and are sure to write loads about what is by far and away the prettiest, most relaxed and perhaps ´easiest´ city in all of South America. Where after months of complex, convoluted and at times darn right ludicrous city planning Buenos Aires is a joy. A bus station in the city centre - what a novel idea. Menus in restuarants - don't mind if I do. Hot water without the fear of electrocution - just glorious. Argentina has a lot to offer and we are sure to make the most of it, but with only 15 days (oh my giddy aunt) left in South America, there was just time for a hop, skip and jump across to Uruguay.

A peaceful little country squeezed between the might of Brazil and Argentina. Fiercely independent in a way that only a Scot can understand, this little place has mangaed to kick the arse of both of its bigger neighbours at one time or another as they fought for countrol of its shipping and cows (not much else). Sometimes they even fought them both at once and for that alone they deserve our respect. The other reason we are here of course is the fact that no-one else is.

Many travels talk about the mythical 'beaten track' and how best to avoid one another. But among the buff and bluster it's all nonsense. People visit the same places do the same thing and talk to the same people day in day out. Distilling a package tour one step at a time into managable chunks. Rarely leaving the comfort of the hostel and certainly never leaving their
Look it's all dribbleyLook it's all dribbleyLook it's all dribbley

A tiny part of the mighty Igazcu Falls - Not in Uruguay, not even close
Good Book behind.

Well all we can say to them is ... Uruguay - Naebody's Here.

(Beginning to think we should start working for tourist boards)

Sure it doesn´t have the clubs of Brazil, the cafes of Argentina, the temples of Peru or even the civil disobedience of Boliva. But gawd damn it Uruguay is its own place. Here they like horses and beef - I like horses and beef. They like Belhaven Best (serious, imported all the way from Dunbar!) - I sometimes drink Belhaven, when there's nothing else of course. It's even cold and windy. It's almost as though they knew we were coming. Ahh who needs the bronzed beauties of Rio when you can huddle past people bundled up and shivering in the freezing winds of Montevideo.

This place will never blow you away, it´ll never make it to the top of the tourist pile, but give it a chance and you know what, you might just start to like it.

Even if you don´t, Argentina's pretty close.


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