Welcome to high altitude featuring Dolph Lundgren

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South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco
April 22nd 2006
Published: April 23rd 2006
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After a few hours on the bus and a Rock (Scorpion King) film blaring out the speaker above me i decide to sleep. A few hours later i am awoken by a mix of freezing temperatures and general noise from above which is the finale of War of the Worlds, i was beginning to think that Valium wasn’t such a bad idea after all. I get in the sleeping bag as drift in and out of sleep through the night.

As the sun rises the co pilot, who had provided us with dinner of beef shaped like a biscuit and rice and potato, puts in a DVD. The first movie at 6.30am is and all action Dolph Lundgren flick, awful film and all in Spanish and all blaring out the speaker above my head. Next film up is Dolph Lundgren, and the next and the next. If you don’t know who this genius actor is but please Google him, these films are loud and contain constant violence and a black co-star.

On a much bright note the scenery as we ascended the mountains was simply breath taking, not sure how to convey this without sounded either clichéd or like im exaggerating but it was beautiful. The snow capped mountains and bright bright green grass along the flowing rivers looked unreal. The random worker dressed in brightly covered clothes made me realise that this was a very rural place and a long way from the city of villains (COV).

After a climb of over 3000 metres and some nauseating bending mountain roads, the shear drops were predictably concerning, we reach Cusco and head to a hostel with a reputation for being a very lively place, so much so some friends we had hung out with had to leave after a while as it too much, it wasn’t going to disappoint.

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