
Ecuador's flag
South America » Ecuador
June 5th 2011
Published: June 5th 2011
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Today after breakfast, we head to octavalo where they have a market that is supposed to be very nice. Lots of colored blankets, panama hats, etc. So I forgot my battery charger so today I might try to find one today......will ask our guide for help. There are others giving me their camera disk which I can then download their pictures to my iPad. Technology is amazing even in the Andes!!!! More later........ Oops we went to crater lake at Chitacchi , an inactive volcano, but some activity as the water is about 60 degrees. Later to the town for leather goods shopping and lunch. Ten off to san Antonio, Ecuador where they are known for wood carving. The spotted bear is an endangered species but lives in the hills of chitacchi. So much to see, birds, flowers. People. What a peaceful and beautiful country. Tomorrow to Octavalo markets

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5th June 2011

Send the pictures!
Cannot wait to see the pictures! Wow, technology is great, isn't it? Have fun and be safe. How are your accomodations?
6th June 2011

Nice photography
Nice pictures, they look professional. That woman and her kid could be in National Geographic. She looks Irish with that getup, long lost Reilly?
8th June 2011

Looks like you're having a grand time, Kathi :)Pictures are great!

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