Pictures From My New Camera

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South America » Ecuador
April 25th 2006
Published: April 25th 2006
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Mi Viaje Hasta Ecuador

Here are some pictures from my new camera... I was hoping to put up some others I saved on a CD, but it hasn´t worked, so these will have to do!

x A

PS I will post the rest of the pictures from the top of the teleferiqo nest weekend.

Additional photos below
Photos: 7, Displayed: 7


Raindrops on ManiRaindrops on Mani
Raindrops on Mani

Sometimes the most simple things are really beautiful...
The Top of a Giant PalmThe Top of a Giant Palm
The Top of a Giant Palm

This palm is in the forest near our house - it´s at least ten feet tall!
A Tree TrunkA Tree Trunk
A Tree Trunk

Ok, so you had figured that out, but i had to call it something!!
Juan Pablo´s Heliconia NecklaceJuan Pablo´s Heliconia Necklace
Juan Pablo´s Heliconia Necklace

Juan Pablo with one of the international students who visited the reserve at the weekend.

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