Blogs from North, Ecuador, South America - page 215


South America » Ecuador » North » Quito January 21st 2006

I was only in Quito for 4 days, but by the time I got back to the Yanayacu Biological Station everything had changed. Actually, I guess everything started changing when the student group showed up on January 5th. Before this group from Mesa State came everything at the station was normal--- no director, very little food (a couple kilos of potatoes and a bunch of plantains), very few people (I worked alone on New Years day), and of course no luxuries. But man, when those students came the station was filled with fruit, and yogurt (which I had never seen at the station) and bought bread and there were two cooks cooking every meal and there were people everywhere and the generator was running all the time. It was crazy... I spent most of that week ... read more

South America » Ecuador » North » Otavalo January 21st 2006

Hola, I have just returned to Quito after spending a night in the lovely market town of Otavalo. After arriving at around 2 pm with my travel party of six, under my navigating skills and a lonely planet guide we easily found our amazing hostel in the downtown. The hostel had a large cobblestone-floored, open square in the center equipped with hammocks and a firepit, making for a great social setting. Surrounding the square, on two floors, were the various rooms (all occupied by gringos, of course). After settling in to our three two-person rooms (at $6 each person, including a great breakfast the next day) we, now a total of seven people including a fellow hostel-er named Justin, from England, went for a good lunch and drinks at a nice little cafe overlooking the main ... read more
Woman at Market

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito January 19th 2006

Hola, Well a few things to report. The most exciting thing is that two days ago I went on my first mountain biking adventure. It was the kind of excitement that is only possible in a place completely devoid of any safety regulations or a powerful legal system. The day started by piling eight people into the back of a truck, sitting on two inward-facing benches opposing one another. After an hour driving and a gas station breakfast we hopped out at 3500 meters into the snow to gear up and begin our back-road descent. With helmets and knee pads we, a group of eight alpha-males, raced down rock-ridden gravel roads at speeds of, probably, 50 km/hour - certainly something totally out of the question in north america. Unfortunetely, pouring rain and thick fog made the ... read more
Hanging at the Garden
View from the terrace

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito January 19th 2006

After over 2 months in Colombia it was culture shock arriving in Quito. SO MANY GRINGOS! It has been 10 years since I was in Quito and the colonial city has been painted ever so beautifully. Quito is a colonial gem and I hope you enjoy some of these photos.... read more
Plaza Grande
Presidential Palace (Plaza Grande)
La Compañia de Jesus

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito January 15th 2006

Well a few interesting things to report on this rainy sunday in Quito. First off, I am now eight hours into my spanish lessons and can now order food and find bathrooms - two things closely linked in a place with this much food poisonning... Yesterday I spent the day with my spanish teacher, Santiago, looking for a suitable digital camera. Unlike everything else electronics are more expensive than in Canada and usually a few generations old. No camera yet, but I am determined to find one in the next few days. If there is one thing that hostels are fantastic for (and trust me, it isn't sleep) it is meeting some fantastic people. I noted the other day that, typically, I would say that I usually am attracted to - in the platonic sense - ... read more

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito January 13th 2006

Hola, Many new things to report from the last few days. Firstly, I bought a mountain bike complete with a rear rack capable of carrying my tent, sleeping bag etc. However, a rough bout of food poisoning for the last couple days have kept me in bed and off the streets. Today, however, I'm feeling okay and was able to go for a nice bike ride for a couple hours. I also just finished my first of ten four hour spanish lessons with a great Ecuadorian teacher named Santiago. My history with French and English has allowed me to pick it up pretty quickly - forty hours ought to stand me in good stead for the rest of my trip. A note on culture: I've been thinking about how exactly I would put it, and I ... read more

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito January 10th 2006

I now know it takes 5 men 3hours to do what a tractor could do in 10 minutes. Because it took me and 4 Ecuadorians three hours of shoveling, slashing through roots and hauling mud to turn a hill into a flat plain. Construction on the new lab is finally "finished". After six months of construction we had a cement floor, some wooden columns and a tin roof. So we gave up waiting and moved in, the walls will have to wait. You may ask how it can take 6 months to build the roof and floor of what would be considered a shack in the States. Let me explain... By the time I got to Yanayacu in August the foundation had hardly been dug. So I picked up a shovel and started to help. No ... read more
Foundation Mud
Hauling rocks
Putting down the sand

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito January 6th 2006

Well folks I'm here at the Secret Garden hostel in Ecuador, sipping a ridiculously low cost beer looking out over the city of Quito wondering what took me so long to get down here. Quito is looking like a fantastic city. It has a strange feel to it, a certain flow arising from the complete unflowingness of each building, street, and restaurant. Today we took a cable car to the top of the dormant valcano which rises from the center of the city. Although clouds blocked the view, it was a great chance to meet some local people and get to know some people from my hostel better. It's amazing just how well travelled some people are, a truism that today has given me the feeling of an ambitious travel-newbie. Tomorrow I embark on a five ... read more

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito January 2nd 2006

I'm back in Quito for a day and half. Nothing much exciting is happening. Here are some more pictures! A few people have asked about the butterfly farm, so I have included some more photos from there. They raise the butterflies (maybe 20 - 30 species) from egg to caterpillar to butterfly. There are separate areas for the different stages. They keep about half of the adult butterflies in a net-enclosed garden and release the other half into the forest. Uncle David - I'm not sure about your question, because most of the butterflies that I saw that were dying looked really ragged (like the Owl Eye on the right in the photo with the banana). I'm sure it's possible that they could have collected enough good-looking ones, though. I hope you enjoy the pictures. I'm ... read more
at the butterfly farm
at the butterfly farm
at the butterfly farm

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