Week before Baños

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October 18th 2007
Published: October 18th 2007
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After school on Monday some friends and I went to one of the local malls so one girl could buy boots. We made the bad decision to stop at McDonalds and have some food. Everyone felt awful afterwards! McDonalds here is just as bad as it is in the US! I felt really sick so I went home. Luckily I felt much better later and was able to eat some lasagna that my family made. Tuesday evening, Sarah and Nicole (two students) came over to my house and we did some karaoke, and ordered pizza. Luckily, the pizza wasn´t awful like McDonalds. We also had Viennetta, a delicious ice cream cake that I used to eat in Edmonds and then they stopped selling it! Sarah and I were so excited to have found it here in Ecuador. After dinner Gladys and Vanessa taught us how to play Cuarenta (40), an Ecuadorian card game. It was really fun and I hope I can remember it when I get back. We also played Culo Sucio, which is like Old Maid. We are going to try to do these sorts of gatherings more often because sometimes its nice just to do things like this that aren´t so touristy.

On Wednesday, we went with our Spanish class to a fruit, vegetable, meat and seafood market near the school. The fruit and vegetables look so delicious and it is all so cheap. I didn´t buy anything but I want to go back sometime. When we went inside, we saw the meat section which can really turn you away from eating meat for a while (but then later I ate the leftover pizza so I guess I´m a true carnivore...). I get so used to seeing meat in clean little packages but here they had everything you could think of. Chicken feet, cow tongue, pig skin, hooves... it was crazy! I didn´t like the seafood section because it really smells, but I never like going through that section even at home since I don´t like seafood (that was a redundant sentence, oh well). However, our teacher told us that the seafood at the market is safe, only the meat is something to be worried about. There were also lots of soaps, aromatics, and incense for everything you can think of. Fertility, romance, wealth, all of it. We then went to a typical grocery store to see the difference, which is tremendous. We went to a cafe with the class to discuss our observations and I had a mochacinna helado, which is a mocha with ice cream (I wanted an iced mocha but this seemed to be the closest that I could get) which was so yummy. And only $2 for a big fancy mocha! Then our teacher went back to school so we went to El Mariscal (Gringolandia). I called Evan and then we all met up again to do a little shopping. Sarah and I went back to my house and watched the first episode of Sex and the City since she is starting to buy all of the seasons (only $1.50 for each disc!). Today we are planning for our trip to Baños (we will leave Friday morning) so I will let you know how it goes next week. Thanks to everyone for your messages! Have a great weekend!


18th October 2007

meat, dvd's, malls
sounds like you are on a field trip to kirkland. so if the 'big kahuna' did not want us to eat animals, then why did he/she put meat all over em? remeber to visit the 'real' equator...
18th October 2007

Oh my god. I love vianetta. I'm coming to Ecuador.
18th October 2007

Oh my god. I love vianetta. I'm coming to Ecuador.
19th October 2007

So good to hear about your adventures! In Ecuador do they have taco stands like? What do they eat on the run other than McDonlads. Have fun at the BANOS!
19th October 2007

HOLA- Durazno
How are you my dearest princes of Varsovia? Sounds like you are eatting a lot and playing a lot and for that I am happy :-) As that is the best education. That game ... what you call crasy eight.. well it does translate to a different line in English but I let you work on that yourself LOL. Rashito is doing well and we have gone and visit your grandma and gone out for few trips with the family- Very different from a year ago. NICE! Rash LOVES the ... whait a minute.. you dont care about dogs.. what am I talking to you about my Rash... well I see him as a kid. He is so spoiled.. I have 7 different costumes for EL DIA DE LAS BRUJAS o MUERTOS... he he Work is fine and now Alaska Airlines is flying to Hawaii so Chad and I can go there any time we want... want to come over one time? I hope you have a lot of fun.. AVOID MCDONALS or anything that has a ® next to it as it came from USA.. you will get sick.. Try the local things and take pictures. Any chance you can tell me a little about the deaf people there? Can you get me a book of SIGNS in that country? I will pay you back. Love you and I am very happy you are doing this blog. We read it ... and like the CHICKEN FEET soup... he he that happen to me in San Francisco California... yes the chickens in US also have feet... the rest its just what you call Hot-Dogs...that unlike my DOG.. he is a Rash but its cute clean and all Vegan. Love you lots Ruben/ Chad and Rash.

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