Galapagos day 4

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May 23rd 2007
Published: May 23rd 2007
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Today we went on our second day diving and yet again had to get up at the ungodly hour of 6:30, don't these people know that we're on holiday?! This time we went diving off Seymour Island, which is to the north of Santa Cruz, where we're staying. Our first dive was off Mosquera, which is an islet off Seymour, and there were loads of sea lions on the shore so we had our hopes up pretty high. Unfortunately Mosquera was crap! We spent the majority of the time swimming against the current, which ìsn't the easiest thing you've ever done. Also the visibility was only about 7 metres and let's put it this way, if there was anything to see then it was more than 7 metres away from us at the time! To be fair we did see some parrot fish and a scorpion fish, which is more than you'd see diving in Verulanium lake so maybe we should be grateful eh?!

Luckily the second dive was considerably better and this time we saw LOADS of sharks! We went down to look in alcoves in the rocks for white-tip sharks and we found a lot! The first few were pretty exciting and one even had his eye open watching us, although they were supposed to be asleep (i personally wouldn't like to know what a shark's like when you wake him up in the middle of his beauty sleep but he didn't seem too fussed)! At this point, for those of you who don't know, there aren't any dangerous sharks in the Galapagos so we'll be keeping all our limbs this holiday! We then went to more caves and every single one had sharks sleeping in it! There were loads of them and you could get pretty close without them moving a muscle! We also saw a whole school of barracuda, which was really cool because i turned round and they were right in front of my face and all looking at me!! We also swam through a big school of some other fish (don't ask me... smallish, silver... just fish) and then we saw the sea lion! They're so cool under the water because they swim really close and all around you hoping that you'll play with them! He even blew bubbles at one of the other divers! He hung around for quite a while and more little bubbly screams of delight came from my regulator!!!

We got back pretty early so Simon and I spent the rest of the day on the beach taking pictures of marine iguanas and a pelican, which very kindly posed on a rock for us! So far so good. Tomorrow we're going to Isabella on a 2 night tour of the volcanoes, flamingoes and tortoises so there'll be no more daily blogs for a couple of days (probably a big relief i know)!


24th May 2007

when you are breaking up with simon, who will you choose? me or naaman?
hey alison, we are reading your blog, enjoying it very much not only we learn things, but we also laugh from the jokes keep updating it, it helps us plan our future trip sagy and naaman p.s. we are expecting an answer for the question written in title
24th May 2007

Isabella on a 2 night tour?
Rather amusingly, i got distracted at this point and u can guess the conotation goin thru my head til i got back to reading. And ur blogs are a welcome relief from the daily entourage of 'this is how this works' and 'that is how that works' that dad is blasting at me atm. Keep it coming. Al
24th May 2007

Hang on, these sharks were 'supposed to be asleep'? Like, it was past their bedtime? Who tells a shark it's supposed to be asleep? I thought I saw a parrot fish in Verulamium lake once, but it may have been a blue footed booby. Or a duck. I'm not a biologist.
28th May 2007

Sagy or Naaman... that is the question
Who i`ll choose boys depends very much on which one of you is sababa and everything?!

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