Torres Del Paine: Trekking in the Patagonian Andes of Chile

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine
April 21st 2009
Published: October 29th 2009
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We left Ushuaia on a 14 hour bus ride bound for Puerto Natales, Chile, the base for people who want to do the Torres Del Paine Trek. We arrived around 9 p.m., got off the bus, and began walking around the town with our backpacks blatantly in search of somewhere cheap to stay for the night. As we were walking down the sidewalk, we ran into two guys who also seemed to be in the same position as us... Read Full Entry

Photos are below
Photos: 176, Displayed: 21


Mattias and FabianMattias and Fabian
Mattias and Fabian

skipping stones during our rest break
Matthew, Fabian, Mattias, and BoMatthew, Fabian, Mattias, and Bo
Matthew, Fabian, Mattias, and Bo

taking a break to take in the views in the Valle Francesa
Bo getting water from a riverBo getting water from a river
Bo getting water from a river

rivers were our source for water for drinking and cooking
Valle FrancesaValle Francesa
Valle Francesa

notice the beautiful skies... this was about 2 hours before it started to downpour again... we got really lucky
Glacier in the Valle FrancesaGlacier in the Valle Francesa
Glacier in the Valle Francesa

a piece of the glacier broke off causing an avalanche and a REALLY loud boom
Glacier in the Valle FrancesaGlacier in the Valle Francesa
Glacier in the Valle Francesa

a piece of the glacier broke off causing an avalanche and a REALLY loud boom

really happy in our tent after walking for 3 hours in the pouring rain and freezing cold to the campsite on the 3rd night... we were completely soaked

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