An Amazing Weekend

Published: May 28th 2009
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This last weekend was a long weekend in Chile. May 21st is a national holiday called Dia de las Glorias Navales. This day commemorates a decisive naval battle in 1879 during the War of the Pacific. As a result of this war (and if I understand correctly, this battle specifically) Chile won the land that is between my town of Caldera and the current border of Peru (about 500 miles worth of coast). B... Read Full Entry

Photos are below
Photos: 52, Displayed: 21


At the SalarAt the Salar
At the Salar

If you look closely you can see flamingos in the background

This was only one of many
Look out!Look out!
Look out!

...for llamas!
Terraced farmTerraced farm
Terraced farm

This was a farm across from the church in Socaire. This was at about 12,000 feet.
Bell towerBell tower
Bell tower

Told you.
The view from SocaireThe view from Socaire
The view from Socaire

The reflection at the bottom is from the salt flats where we were earlier.

28th May 2009

Great Entry
Another great journal entry, Zach! I had to laugh out loud about the bell tower... I have said and done the same thing many times!! Glad you're having an incredible time!!!
29th May 2009

M & M say hi
So, are you enjoying your trip at all yet?!! Did you get the stuff we sent? Hey, I like your hair :>) Love you!
29th May 2009

so jealous
1st June 2009

Hey... its sounds like a great weekend. Thanks for sharing the photos and stories. =)

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